Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Pashley, Robert
Travels in Crete (Band 1) — Cambridge und London, 1837

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we saw before us, on a slightly rising ground, the village
of Arkhanes, about which are a few olives and cypresses.

1 was of course anxious to hear something of the
sepulchre of Zeus; but it was in vain that I inquired
of my host, Dhemetrio's brother, for any cave on the
mountain. He knew of nothing of the kind; and all
that I could learn from him was that, about a mile off,
there is a fountain with an inscription on it. When I
had thus failed in obtaining any information about the
cave, I said, rather meaning to tell him an old story,
than supposing that I should learn any thing, that one
Zeus, a god of the Hellenes, was said to have been
buried there ; and that it was his tomb2 that I wished
to see. I had pronounced the very name by which a
place on the summit of the mountain is known to all
the people in the neighbourhood, although only a few
shepherds have ever seen it. My host had never heard
it called by any other name than the tomb of Zeus,
and therefore had not understood me at first, when I
inquired after a cave. It was too late to visit the top
of Juktas to-night : so I went to look at the fountain,
which is in a stony valley at the foot of the hill, and
is distant about a mile to the north of the village. Its
waters join those of an aqueduct which passes close by
it, conveying a copious stream from Mount Juktas to
the city. A Latin inscription tells us that it was the
work of Francesco Morosini, the Proveditore of Crete
in l6'27, when the chief city was in great want of

Over the doorway of the church of the Panaghia,
at this village of Arkhanes, are bas-reliefs seemingly
of the time of the Venetians. Epano-Arkhanes still
contains about 150 houses : at Kato-Arkhanes there are
only 30. The government, here as in most other places,
now receives the tithe, or rather the seventh, of all
the produce. The chief growth of the village is its

2 Tod Atos to fivrjfielov, or tov Atos to fivfjfia, were my words.