Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Payne, Humfry
Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period — Oxford, 1931

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This index refers to the text and to the discursive parts of the catalogue (i.e. to the notes on shapes, &c),
but does not contain references to the list of sites on which Corinthian vases have been found, as these
are catalogued in Ch. XIII, or to the majority of names which occur in inscriptions on Corinthian vases, or
to the majority of shapes (for these see Ch. XI and the catalogue of shapes given on pp. 267-8, respectively).
Acheloos 91,130 Banqueting scenes 118

Achilles 135-6 Battle scenes 115-16

Acrobat 117 Bellerophon 11,133

Acropolis (of Athens) 84 n. 2, 242- Boars 70

3, 251-2, 362
Aegina, clay of 39 n. 1
Agricultural scenes 116
Aigion, pin from 216-17
Aineta, aryballos of 101,162
Ajax 135-7
Akragas 25

Alalkomenai, vase from 300
Amasis painter 327
Amazons 130

Amphiaraos vase 98 n. 2, 107-8,

in, 139 &ff., 238
Andromeda vase 110,133
Antefixes 51 n. 8, 150-1, 252 & ff.

(see also Calydon & Thermon)
Apollo 143
Apulian vases 209
Archaistic style 8 n. 1
Architectural decoration 248 & ff.
Architecture on vases 115,132ml,


Aregon 93, 349
Argive sculpture 245

— bronzes 219-20
Argive-Corinthian bronzes 69-70,

74, 77-8, 81,128 & ff. passim, 222
& ff. passim, 284

Argonauts 141

Argos, geometric vases 4

—, temple models from 250 n. 2

Aristonothos, vase of 137

Artemis 30, 78, 143, 230

Aryballos 5-6, 17, 210-11, and
see contents of Catalogue, 267

Assyrian art 19 n. 2, 53, 67, 118,

Athena 129-30,142-3

Attic vases 1-3, 20, 41, 49, 59, 73,
77-8, 109, in, 113 n. 3, 115 n.
3,123 n. 3,124 & ff., 131-5,140,
144 &ff., 169-70, 176, 184, 187,
190 & ff., 285, 292, 294, 296,
298-9, 301-2, [307 n. 2], 310,
312-13, 316, 323-8, 330 n. 1,
331-3, 336, 345-7

— See also Francois vase, Sophilos,

Tyrrhenian vases

Boeotian vases &c. 129, 153, [182],
193, 199, 202 &ff., 307 n. 1,
323 n. 1, 333

Boreads 12 n. 4, 78

Boreas 77

Boxing 116 n. 8

Bronzes xiv, 69, 153, 158-60, 177-
9, 210 & ff., 233 n. 3, 238 & ff.,
271 n. 1, 276, 284, 31 3 n. 1, 328,
349-50; see also Argive-Corin-
thian bronzes

Bucchero 297 (s.v. no. 719A)

Bulls 70

Burgon amphora 73, 131 n. 1
Butades 249, 349

Caltagirone, crater from 124, 214,

—, stele from 124
Calydon, inscriptions from 160
—, metopes from 92, 125
—, revetments from 234 & ff., 249

—, terracottas from 245 n. 3
—, tomb at 131 n. 1
Casmenae 24-5
Cassandra 136
Centaurs 90, 129 & ff.
Cerberus 91, 130
Cercopes 131

Chalcidian vases 74 n. 3, 76, 78,
107, 110-11, 116 n. 3, 123, 131,
150, 156, 184, 307 n. 1, 330

Chares, pyxis of 71 n. 1, 135, 164,

Chariots 74, 99 n. 3, 109 n. 3, 115,

225 n. 1, 310
Chariot races 116 n. 8
Chigi vase 18, 20, 28, 38, 41-2, 54,

71, 80, 94 & ff., 116 n. 9, 134,

182 n. 1
Chimaera 11, 90, 133
Chimaera-group, vases of 65, 236

n. 1

Chrysaor 242-3
Circe 139

Clazomenian sarcophagi 284 n. 4

Cocks 76

Comasts 118 &ff., 175-6,194 &ff.,

235 & ff.
Corfu, Attic vases from 1-2
—, Kouros from 245
—, lioness from 244, 352-3
—, matrix from 222, 245
—, lion of Menekrates at 244
—, revetments from 256 & fT.
—, sculpture from 83 & ff., 240 &

ff-, 251-2.
Corinth, finds of vases at xiii, 2 &

ff-, 39,184
—, temple at 247 n. 2, 260
See also Crete and Ionia
Crabs 76

Cretan vases, &c. 5-7, 18, 49, 71,
73,78,89,91 n. 10,138,155 n. 1,
173, 175 nn. 2-3, 205, 222, 233,
284, 293-5, 298

Crete, relations with Corinth 53

Cups 1-2, 195 & ff., see also con-
tents of Catalogue, 267

Cyclops see Polyphemos

Cypselus, chest of 74 n. 4, 77-8,
125 &ff.,3Si

—, other dedications of, 350-1

Cypselid bowl 161, 211-12

Dancers see Comasts

Deianeira group, the 191 & ff.

Delphi, acroteria from 239

■—, antefixes from 262

—, bronze palm-tree at, 349-50

—, bronze vases from 210, 218 n. 2

—, Corinthian treasury at 160, 350

—, geometric vases from 1, 4

—, kouros from 233 n. 3

—,'Sicyonian' treasury at 70 n.

3, 74,76
Departure scenes 114-15
Dias 98, n. 3

See also Amphiaraos
Diomede 135
Dionysos 121 & ff., 142
Dodwell pyxis, painter of 63, 183

n. 3
Dogs 74 n. 8
Dolphins 76
Dotting 175, 284

Drapery 108,112,113 n. 3,326, 328