Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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(A List of Contents of each Plate marked * ivdl he found at the end of the Index.)

I. Statuettes of Alabaster, &c. ; Vlth cent. B.C.*
II. Figures of Limestone, Pottery, &c.; from Temple of Apollo, Vlth cent. B.C.*

III. Restored Column of the First Temple of Apollo, Vllth cent. b.c.

IV. Vases of the Vlth cent, b.c*

V. Patterns of Pottery made at N aukratis, Vlth cent. b.c.
VI. Portions of Painted Vases, Vlth cent, b.c*
VII. Lotus Patterns, Vlth cent. b.c.
VIII. Bowl found in the Temenos of Apollo, Vlth cent. b.c. ; inside.
IX. The same ; outside.
X. Forms of Bowls, Vlth cent, b.c*
XL Iron Implements, Vlth cent, b.c, &c*
XII. Figure-head of Sacred Bark, and Bronze Bowl, Vlth cent. B.C.

XIII. Pieces of Painted Vases, Vlth and Vth cent. b.c.

XIV. Fragments of the Second Temple of Apollo, Vth cent, b.c
XlVa. Fragments of the Temples of Apollo.

XV. Terra-cotta Heads, Vth and IVth cent, b.c
XVI. Pottery, Vlth to Illrd cent, b.c
XVII. Pottery, Roman; and Amphora Handles.
XVIII. Model of a Shrine, and other Stone Objects.*

XIX. Rude Stone Figures.*

XX. Small Objects, Vlth cent, b.c, to Roman.*
XXI. Types of Weights.

XXII. Types of Weights.

XXIII. Diagrams of Forms and Materials of Weights.

XXIV. Curves of Distribution of Weights.

XXV. Foundation Deposit of Models, Illrd cent, b.c*
XXVI. Plans of Foundation Deposits, Illrd cent, b.c*
XXVII. Gold Ornaments, 1st cent, a.d.*
XXVIII. Silver Objects, 1st cent, a.d*
XXIX. Cake Stamps, Terra-cotta, Roman.
XXX. Inscriptions on Stone.
XXXI. Inscriptions on Stone.
XXXII. Inscriptions on Pottery, Temple of Apollo.