Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ayrton, Edward R.; Weigall, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome; Petrie, William M. Flinders
Abydos: Part III: 1904 — London, 1904

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Xos. 23-26, are from a contracted burial
of the YIth-VIIth Dynasty (see pi. xx, 3).

PI. xxxiii, 27-32, are of the Xlth-XIIth
Dynasty, and are all from burials in the Middle

33, 35, 36, are all from tomb /x 26 (cf.
pi. xx. 9).

39-42 are also from the Middle Fort.

45-53 are from the Shuneh and Middle Fort.

Pis. xxxiv, xxxv. Types of pottery vases
from the Ibis cemetery in the southern corner
of the Shuneh.

No. 61 has an inscription in black across the
top and is of whitened pottery. All these
vases are probably of the XXIInd-XXVIth

91. Pis. xxxvi-xxxviii. Cf. text, Chapter

PI. xxxix, 31-36. Fragments of alabaster
dishes made in the form of a trussed duck.
33 and 36 show the open ends. 34 shows the
Other end, which was closed. 32 and 35 show
the side. 37 is the top of what was probably a
bowl with two handles for suspending it. These
are seldom if ever found during any other period,
and are made with the artistic finish and care so
characteristic of the Xllth Dynasty.

PI. xl, 1-11. This plate sIioavs more of these
dishes. 4 and 7 are drawings of the inside of
the fragment.

14 is a fragment of the so-called pan-grave
pottery. It is brown in colour and covered with
incised lines. This fragment was left by the
first plunderers.

15 is an inscribed fragment of Roman red
pottery, IVth cent., a.d. This was left by the
second plunderers.

16. A scale drawing of the granite sarco-
phagus in the tomb of Senusert III.

19. Gaming board for a game like draughts,
found in the sand at the top of the shaft de-
scending to the tomb of Senusert III. The
marks in the spaces are probably connected with
the game.

The plan of the tomb of Senusert

Views of the tomb of Senusert

PI. xli.

PI. xlii.

92. PL xliii, 1, shows a view of the end of
the pole-roof chamber ; the two men are seated
on the piles of rubbish with which it was
nearly filled. Above the.one to the right is the
hole smashed through the ceiling in order to
reach the passage on the level above.

2 is a view of the first granite plug from the
plugged passage, This is the one that was
dropped into the room by digging under it.

3 gives a view of some of the walls and
passages in the Aahmes toAvn. The dark shadow
in the centre falls across I of house 1. The
streak of light that divides the shadow is the
door into room D of house 1.

PL xliv, 1-5. Forms restored from fragments
found in the tomb of Senusert III.

The forms from the Aahmes town are likewise
restored from fragments.

PL xlv, 1, shows the entrance A and the
gate into B. The sloping way C can also be
seen. The gateway to the right is the one from
B 1 into the first terrace. 2, in front of which
the Abadi boy is standing, shows how the bricks
cf the lower part of the Avail are less Avorn than
those higher up. ThisAvas no doubt due to the
banking up of sand against the loAver part of the

3 gives a very good idea of how the pots of
the corner deposit lay.

4 is the north end of the second Avail and the
north side of the brick wall.

5 is taken from the room G, and shoAvs the
sloping ascent and the men at Avork on the first

93. PL xlvi. These are the forms of
alabaster and painted limestone model vases
found in the deposit at the corner of the terrace

PL xlvii. The upper part of this continues
the model vases. 67 is a model mace-head in