Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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limestone. 68-105 are the pottery forms ; 104
and 105 are drawn 1:6.

PI. xlviii, 16, shows the form of the band of
gold found with the deposit. 1-15 show the
designs on the fragments of bine glazed pottery
that were found in the town. The blue was
particularly good and had the soft turquoise

17 shows one of the deposits of paddles and
sticks in the position in which they were found.

18 is a potsherd on which some workman
has drawn two serpents.

19, a fragment of moulding, perhaps from an
altar cornice, or some other ornamental part of
the building.

PI. xlix. Plan of the tomb of Aahmes I.

PL 1, 1 and 2, are views of the stele of Queen

3 and 5 are side and front views of the
statuette found in the Aahmes cemetery.

4 and 6 are side and front views of the figure
of Renut found in the shrine of Queen Teta-

7 shoAvs Ta-Urt with a woman within her
protecting arm. This was from the town of

8 is the ushabti figure of Pa-ari, the keeper
of the pyramid of Aahmes I temple. This is
of white limestone, painted and then covered
with pitch.

9 is a broken ushabti of limestone, found in
the same cemetery.

10. This gives a view of the entrance into
the tomb of Aahmes I.

PI. li. Plan of shrine of Queen Teta-shera.
PL lii. Stele of Queen Teta-shera.
PL liii. Plan of terrace temple and town.
94. PL liv. Inscription from a rough piece

of limestone, found in the builders' town of
xVahmes I. The text is commented upon by
Professor Spiegelberg. (See § 69.)

PL lv. The same in hieroglyphic characters.

PL lvi. Photographs of the builders' town
of Aahmes T.

PL lvii. Various small objects from the town
of Aahmes I.

PL lviii, 1-5, show fragments of the flat thick
yellow dishes that were supposed not to continue
beyond the Xllth Dynasty. The ornament is

6-7 are two examples of the black incised
ware that was filled with white. This was
already known in the Xllth Dynasty.

8, 9, 10 are fragments of the yellow pottery
of the XVIIIth Dynasty ornamented Avith
designs taken from Cypriote pottery.

1L is the neck of a false-necked vase. These
Avere probably shipped over from Crete or
Mycenae full of some merchandize.

12-20 shoAV the dolls and children's animal
toys found in the rooms of the Aahmes town.

21. An engraved limestone kohl-pot found
in the Aahmes toAvn.

23. This bronze knife Avas one of the very
feAV scraps of bronze found in the town.

21. A pot-mark scratched in the unbaked clay.

PL lix, 1, 2, 3, 4, are kohl pots of the
ordinary kind; but 5 and 6 being of blue
marble shoAv that this material Avas used as late
as the XVIIIth Dynasty, and did not cease
with the Xllth. Of course these may have
come from earlier times or earlier graves.

12-15 Avere model vases, 13, 14 and 15 of the
same kind as those found in the deposit.

PL lx. The pottery from the town.

PL lxi. Sketch map of the desert.


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