Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Potter, John; Anthon, Charles [Hrsg.]
Archaeologia Graeca or the antiquities of Greece — New York, 1825

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thai night on which they descend, presents the same omens with the
former ; on this depends the ratification of all the rest, and without it
their former oblations are of none effect : if so be this ram doth agree
with the former, every one forthwith descends, backed with the eager-
ness of good hopes ; and thus in the manner ; immediately they go that
night along with the priests to the river Hercynna. where they are anoint-
ed with oil, and washed by two citizens' boys aged about thirteen years,
whom they call eEf/A«s, i. e. Mercury? ; these are they that are employ-
ed in washing whoever hath a mind to consult ; neither are they remiss
in their duty, but, as much as can be expected from boys, carefully per-
form all things necessary. Having been washed, they are not straight-
way conducted by the priests to the oracle, but are brought to the river's
rises, which are adjacent to one another : here they must drink a dose
of the water of it, called Lethe, or Oblivion, to deluge with oblivion all
those things which so lately were the greatest part of their concerns. Af-
ter that, they take the water of Mnemosyne, viz. Remembrance, to re-
tain the remembrance of those things that shall be exhibited to them in
their descent; amongst which is exposed a statue, adorned with such ad-
mirable carving, that it is set up by the people for Dasdalus's workman-
ship ; hereupon they never exhibit it, unless to descendants : to this,
therefore, after some venerable obeisance, having muttered over a pray-
er or two, in a linen habit set off with ribands, and wearing pantofies,
agreeable with the fashion of the country, they approach the oracle,
which is situated within a mountain near a grove, the foundation of which
is built spherical-ways, of white stone, about the size in circumference,
of a very small threshing floor, but in height scarce two cubits, support-
ing brazen obelisks, encompassed round with ligaments of brass, between
which there are doors that guide their passage into the midst of the floor,
where there is a sort of cave not the product of rude nature, but built
with the nicest accuracy of mechanism and proportion. The figure of
this workmanship is like an oven, its breadth diametrically (as nigh as can
be guessed) about nine cubits, its depth eight, or thereabouts ; for the
guidance to which there are no stairs, wherefore it is required that all
comers bring a narrow and light ladder with them, by which when they
are come down to the bottom, there is a cave between the roof and the
pavement, being in breadth about two oVifla/ttcu, and in height not above
one ; at the mouth of this, the descendant, having brought with him cakes
dipped in honey, lies along on the ground and shoves himself feet fore-
most into the cave ; then he thrusts in his knees, after which the rest of
his body is rolled along, by a force not unlike that of a great and rapid
river, which overpowering a man with its vortex, tumbles him over head
and ears. All that come within the approach of the oracle have not
their answers revealed the same way : some gather their resolves from
outward appearance, others by word of mouth : they all return the same
way back with their feet foremost. Among all that have descended, it
was never known that any was lost, except one of the life guard of Deme-
trius ; and besides, it is credible the reason proceeded from the. neglect
of the rituals in his descent, and his ill design ; for he went not out of
necessity to consult, but out of an avaricious humour, for the sacrilegi-
ous conveyance back of the gold and silver, which was there religiously
bestowed ; wherefore it is said, that his carcase was thrown out some
other way, and not at the entrance of the sacred shrine. Among the va-