Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Print collector's quarterly — 4.1914

DOI Heft:
Vol. 4, No. 3 (October 1914)
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A new series, of high distinction, concern-
ing which Mr. Ralph Adams Cram writes:
Messrs. Curtis & Cameron’s plan of Publishing a series of etch-
ings of the more notable architectural works in the United States,
including some of recent construction, is one that must command
very general Support. There are in this country numerous im-
portant buildings of great distinction that are peculiarly adapta-
ble to representation through etched
plates,.and that have taken a cer-
tain position with the public that
makes them actual “ national monu-
ments.’’ This series will serve the
double purpose of recording in pic-
torial form a number of the most
important buildings, and will also
afford what can only prove to be
works of very notable art, even apart
from their architectural or general
The artistic and architectural
success of this series is guaranteed
by the artist who produces them — I
Mr. George T. Plowman. Trained
as an architect, he has devoted him-
self very largely to architectural etch-
- a high place amongst art works of
this kind. To a sense of form and of light and shade composi-
tion, that compares favourably with the same qualities in the
master-etcher Haig, he adds a feeling for delicate textures that
is very distinguished and equally rare.
The first subjects undertaken are Trinity Church, Boston
(the tower of which is shown in the accompanying Illustration);
the Old North Church, Boston; the Nave of the new Cathedra!
of Saint John the Divine, New York; the Cleveland Tower of
Princeton College; the Chapel at West Point. Other subjects
will be ready for early announcement.
Editions strictly limited — and guaranteed. Prospectzis ivill be sent
gratis on request.
Copyright by
CURTIS & CAMERON Offices, 15 Harcourt St., BOSTON
Salesroom, Pierce Building, opposite Public Library

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