Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 7.1844

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Lord Mayor's Day, 205, 224

--Oath, 224

----Visit (The), 68

- Non-Content, 121'

- William Lennox's Readings, 74

Louis-Philippe's Visit, 147
Lovely Law, 191
Loyal young English Latin, 126
Lucifer Match and Tongue (The), 46
Magnat Mayoralty, 168

--the Magnate, 200

Magnay's Orders and Regulations, 194

Malicious Report, 117

Margate at Vaurhall, 213

Marquis of Londonderry's Pitmen, 52

Martyr Promises, 148

Martyrs made Easy, 162

Mayoral Festivities, 89

Mayoralty at a Discount, 226

Mazeppa Gibbs, 201

Mean Stratagem, 10

Medical Reform. 99

Meditations on Houses of Parliament, 150
--by a Despairing Angler, 12

Meek Remonstrance of Man in Brass. 191

Meeting for Advancement of Cookery, 168

Melancholy State of the Home Navy, 56

Meteorological Intelligence, 62

Migration of the Italian Singing Birds, 77

Military Intelligence, 104, 213, 248

-Messing, 249

Ministerial White Bait Dinner (The), 72

Ministers' Holiday Letters (The), 76

Miracle (A), 156

Misery among the Flowers, 182

Modest Proposals for a Chapel, 194

Montgomery on Steam, 110

Moon at toe Full (The), 245
- in Paris, 225

Moon's Court Circular, 249

Moorish Designs, 33

Moral Reflections, 153
- Songs for Oxford, 15

Morbid Taste, 140

More Honoured in the Breach, &c, 100

-Mysteries of Paris, 100

Moses and O'Connell, 140
Most Useful Invention (A), 235

-• Wonderful Discovery (The), 234

Mottoes, 179

Mr. Combe again, 267

Music for Railways, 73

National Confusion, 62

National Lunacy, 261

Ne Exeat Regno, 147

(Next) " Blaze of Triumph ! " (The), 271

New Books, 201

- Colony (A). 167

- Comet (The), 52

- Excitement (A), 46

- Irish Melody, 130

- Patent Novel Writer (The), 268

- Postmaster-General (A), 73

Nicholas and the Jews, 166

Nooks and Corners of Old England, 9

Nota Bene, 95

Nothing so Certain, 121

-Surprising, 183

Notice of Motion, 76

-to Pooh-Poohed Correspondents, 44

Nursery Rhyme (A), 110

Nut for the Paris Charivari (A), 19

Object worthy of Aim (An), 106

Odd Favourites, 118

Oh ! the White Vests, &c, 142

Old Bailey Justice, 246

Old England and Young England, 248

Omissions of the Court Circular, ISO

One and One make Two, 217

One Trial will Prove the Fact, 245
I Opening of the New Exchange, 159, 193.202

Out of Harm's Way, 104
I Oxford Prize Poem, 12
■ Paddington to the Bank in One Day 1 90
: Parisian Intelligence, 217
1 Par Nobile Fratrum, 93
] Parliamentary ReDort, 64
I Patterns for Shawls, 221
! Pauvre Liste Civile ! 74
j Pay your Gamekeepers, 94
j Peace! Peace 1 Peace 1 179
' Pecksniff Monomania, 100

Peel's Promenade Concerts, 262
, Peter the Great, 157
j Philadelphian Revels, 247
i Philanthropist (A), 127
' Philosopher's Stone (The), 82

Philosophy of Necessity, 44

Pictures of the People, 148

Pilgrim Buckingham (The), 94

Plea for Peace (A), 120

Pleasant Reflection (A), 3

Police Boot (The), 115

- Justice, 245

- Regulations, 245

Political Pecksniff (The), 25

Polka Pest (The), 172

Poor Blown-up Generals, 58

Portrait of " Perfidious Albion," 132

Post Office Peep-Show, 34

--Pie (A), 25

Preparations for War, 115

--.-• Christmas, 270

Presentation of the City Address, 172

Prettv Polka, 85

Price'of a Jaw (The), 225

Prince Albert's Bees, 90

--Military Primer, 94

Princely Thrift, 190

Privilege of Counsel, 42

Prize Comedy (The), 3

Professional Pastoral (A), 143

Professor Wilson's New Novel, S3

Prospect for Paddy (A), 121

Prospectus of the Waterloo Bridge L
tery, 20

Provincial Intelligence, 9, 78

Public Exhibition, 180

Punch and Paley, 213

Punch in a Fright, 211

-■ the Provinces (Clifton), 103

-to Daniel in Prison, 38

- Messieurs les Rddacteurs, 1/7

Punch's Anti-Graham Wafers, 15

--Autograph, 96

--— City Article, 258

--Court Circular, 213

- Demonology, 73

- (Exclusive) Law Report, 26

-■— Fine Art Distribution, HI

--■ Exhibition, 26

——— Guide to Parties, 306

---State Service, 148

- Obituary, 57

- Pocket-Book, 138

-— Political Leader, 53

-- Polka, 105

--- Random Mottoes, 121

- Report of the Roval Prozress, 1


--Review, 212, 215, 228

--- Sentiments, 213

- Statistics in Little, 72

--Theatre. 171

Quadruple Alliance (A), 14
Queen and the Lord Mayor (The), 211

-.- Otter (Thel, 168

- Elizabeth and the Citizens, 201

--in Scotland (The), 146

-'s Illustrious Visitors (The), 182

-'s Visit (The), 33

--- to the City (The' , 181

Railway Intelligence, 7, 213, 268

--Monitor (A), 258

- Moral Class Book (The), 76

--Recipe (A), 191

--Telegraph, 51

Rational Readings, 71
Real Scalps 1 Real Scalps ! lis
Reasonable Request (A), 105
Rebellious Jersey, 246
Redressing an Injury, 9
Regeneration of Trafalgar Square, 180
Registration Court Extraordinary, l6l
Rhetoric of the Counter, 64
Remarkable Prediction, 236
Remonstrance (A). 108
Removing the Rubbish, 64
Repeal Chesnut (The), 156
Report of a Shop-walker, 179

--on Dog-Stealing (The), 66

Reporters at Blair Athol (The), 158
Reviewers Reviewed, 34
Reward of Merit, 190
Rival Rogues, HI
Royal Album (The), 240

-Christening (The), 128

-Circular (A), 7S

- Destitution, 237

--Fashions, 131

--Proclamation, 138

--Rods, 108

--Spoons, 62

—— Sport, 157

--Sportsmanship, 257

Rules for Newspaper Correspondents, 98
Running Rein Morality, 23
Sanctity and Cannon Balls, 98
Scales of Justice (The), 53
Scene at a Chop House, H7

--from an Ojibbeway Tragedy, 257

- in the Bankruptcy Court, 190

Scholastic Intelligence, 85
Schoolmaster in Glasgow The), 269
Secret Pose Committee (The), 54

-. really worth Knowing (A), 99

Separation in High Life, 236
Sermons in Stones, 212
Servants' Hall, 267
Serviceable Pensioners, 158
Shakspeare an Emigrant to France, 247

---at Sadlers' Wells, 125

Shameful Case of Letter Opening, 116
Shaving the Ladies, 46
Sheriffs at Westminster (The), 166
Sir Andrew Agnew again, 178

— James Graham's Pupils, 106

— Peter Laurie and Saxony, 11

-■--'s Logic, 214

Sittings in the Court of Review, 248
Sleep at Will, 87

Smithfield Cattle Show (The), 272
Snails on Ribands, 147
Soap, 182

Song of the Cheap Customer, 255

--Liberator, 148

-—-— Pine Apple, 68

--Sportsman, 127

Sonnet fA), 104, 236
Sons of Glory, 233
Speaking to the Letter, 67

" Spectator " on the " Western Genti," 4

Sporting at Blair Athol, 156

- Intelligence, 77, 42, 234, 271

Stanley Mausoleum, 148

State Bed at Burghley (The), 234

- of Heme Bay, 41

--the Assault Market, 268

---Matrimonial Trade, ISO

Statistics of Drunkenness, 269

Statue of Wellington (The), 67

Street Thoughts, 227

Strongest Claim (The), 223

Students' Gratitude to Graham, 177

Submariue Operations, 11

Swimming Match (A), 257

Sympathy in the City, 190

Tenure of Office (The), 226

Testimonial to the Speaker, 76

Theatre Royal St. Stephens, 16

Theatrical Intelligence, 35, 54, 57, 152 t5!

Thirty Seconds' Advice to a Cabman, 4 8

Thorn, the Weaver Poet, 129

Thoughts suggested to a Gent., 161

" Tis Distance lends Enchantment," 9o

To Governesses of " Decided Piety," 11

— M.P.'s on the Use of a Gun, 53

— the Humane, 167, 212

--Napoleon of Peace, 90

-Stupid and Needy, 167

-Would-be Genteel, 100

Tolerance of the Betting Ring, 20
Tom Thumb, as he'll appear at Paris, «S
Trafalgar Square, 206

Travelling Notes, 66, 83, &c. &c.
Triumphal Entrv of Lord Ellenborough, 2' 4
Truth on Both Sides, 257
Turtle for the Million, 260
Two Words to M. de Lamartine, 249
Type of a French Prince (The), 84
University Intelligence, 251
UnkindestCutof All (The), 23
Untuneful Nine (The), 12
Valuable Testimony, S28
Vauxhall Masquerade, 180
Very Likely, 179

Visitini! Society for the Rich, 228

Voice from the Grouse (A), 93

Waitbbs »t the Civic Banquet (The), 211

Walk with my Wife (A), 12

Wanderings of our Fat Contributor, 61, fit,

Wanted a Few Bold Smugglers ! 106

War between France and England, lOfl

Warner Invention (The), 78

Waterloo Bridge Report (The), 252

Waverley Ball (The), 23

Weather (The), 236

What is to be done with Sudbury ? 56

Who'll take One Hundred to One? 141

Widdicomb, the Fox-hunter, 252

Wilson's Rival, 58

Windsor Warnings, 217

Wisdom of the Court of Aldermen, 191

Wit at the Palace, 104

" With Verdure Clad." 67

Wonders will Never Cease, 121

Wooden Shoe and Buffalo Indian (The), 111

-Walls of England (The), 252

Workhouse and the Gaol (The), 240
Works received for Review, 43
Worthy the Attention of Ministers, 248
Write me Down, &c, 47
Wrongs of Bartholomew Fair (The), It.
Yankee Boatswain's Song (The),S*S

--Doctors, 95

--Notion (A), 56

Young Manchester, 233



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio


Beschriftung: Finis





um 1844
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1839 - 1849
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 7.1844, Index, S. 276