Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 7.1844

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Accident oa the Kensington Railway, 180

- to the Liberator, 125

Actual Locus in Quo (The), 44
Admiralty Orders, 1"1
Advance of Beadledom, 240
Advertisement, 35

--for Tongues, 183

--- Prison to Let, 161

Advice Gratis, 255
Affair at Tahiti, 71
Afflictions of the Aristocracy, 19
After Dinner Sessions, 251
Agricultural College, 83

--Museum, 271

--Premiums, 160

Alarming Failure, 251
Alderman (The), 200

Before and After (An), 167

Captain Warner's Invention, 53

Card (A), 155

Case of Real Distress (A), 32

Catalogue of Vacancies (A), 182

Celestial Sarcasm, 42

Challenge (A) 271

Chance Lost (A), 85

Change ot Residence, 180

Chimes for the Royal Exchange, 43

Christian Humility " by Inches," 192

Christmas Carol (A), 269

Citizens and their Horses (The), 195

City of London Disfranchised (The), ii

Civic Chair, 156

- Hospitality, 156

- Mazeppa (The), 196

- Sorrows, 194

Clerical, 99

Alteration in Domestic Correspondence, 41 j Comedy of Errors (The), 128

Amende Honorable, 156 ! Comfort and Economy,

Amusements for the Rich, 260 j Comfortable Lodgings, 74
Annoyance Jury, 95 Comic Blackstone (The), 10, &c. &c.

Another and Another still succeeds, 247 '• - Songs for Ladies, 167, 223, 261

- new Comet, 137 ! Commercial Literature, 225

-- Tahiti on the Thames, 84 : Comparison (A), 226

Anti-Graham Wafers, 15 ! Compensation to Sheriffs' Officers, 120
Apples—and their Sins, 255 Complete Letter-Writer (Punch's;,2,13,itc.

Approaching Alliance, 191 I " Conscia Wens Recti " (The), l.i

Appropriate Airs, 138 j Consumption of Meat in London, 173

Inscription, 11
Present (An), 3

Arcadian Visit, 37

Archaeological Society (The). 138, 141
Arithmetic and Dynamics, 194
Articles for Workhouse Use, 234
Assurance Doubly Sure, 239
As Sure (and Slow) as a Gun, 86

Atrocities of the Hair-Cutters, 267 | Dan Serenading Lord Johnny, 216

Continental Intelligence, 268
Correspondence between Eton and West-
minster, 51
Counsel's Code of Honour (The), 58
Crocodile Tears, 51
Crown of Scotland (The), 266
Cry of the Partridge (The), 214
Culinary Intelligence, 3/

Bands of Friendship (The/, 71 Daniel and Mathew, 224

Bankruptcy Extraordinary, 43 - the Drainer, 86

Baron AlderBon on Cricket, 93 i D'Aubigny Reprimanded, 138

Baths for the Million, 19) i Day at a Custom-House (A), 142

Beadles of England (The), 201 ; " Deadly Urn," (The), 248
Beauties of the French Press, 178 Dear Shakspeare, 32

Police Court, 118 Debtors' New Gaoler (The), 44

Beauty and Business, v. Early Shops, 106 j Delicate Present (A), 158
Bells of the Royal Exchange, 105 ! De Miuimis Curat Lex, 250

Ben Sidonia Smoking the Calumet, 100 Destitute Vice Chancellors (The), 234
Better Late than Never, 82 j Deux ou Trois Exemples d'un Nouveau

Betting Extraordinary, 151, 162 Dictionnaire, HI

Birds of a Feather, 84 ] Directions to Ladies for Shopping, 142

Birkenhead Bulletin, 234 j Dish of Glory (A), 103

Birth of a Prince, i Disloyal Dog (A), 147

Bishop's Arms (A), 93 I Doings of Nicholas (The , 257

Blenheim Gardens, price bs., 16
Blessings of Bad Health (The), 37
Bombardment of Tangier, 100
Book of the Season (The), 180
Boy Jones and the Boy Joinville (The), 34
Brighton Fortified, 98

British Association for the Advancement of
Science, 155, 159

Extreme Simplicity, 182
Eyes and Eyelashes, 120
Pair Sufferers, 42
Fall of London (The), 223
Family Secrets, 52
Fashions for Public Statues, 247
Fashionable Intelligence, &c, 11,20,96
Father Thames in a Mess, 228
Fetes of July (The!, 66
Few Questions on Cricket (A), 252
Fighting Missionaries, 89
Fights to Come Off, 128
Fine Arts in France (The), 125
Fire! Fire! 10

Her Majestv's Straw Bonnet, 166

Hero of Waterloo (The), 22

Hint for Moses (A), 19

Hint to the Attnrney-General (A), 172

Hints on the Use of Metaphor, 128

- to Visiting Relief Societies, 108

Historical Negligence, 52
Honourable Artillery Companv (The), 183
Honour of the Bar (The), 162, 222
Horrors of War, 116
Hospital for Decayed Pictures, 131
How to Live on Nine Shillings a Week, 1*5
Hungerford Suspension Bridge, 138
Hurrah for High-handed Justice ' 190

First Come, First Served, 223 | Husbandry of the Duke of Marlborough, 2.19

Flattest Contradiction (The), lie
Flowers of Recitative, 266
Foreign Intelligence, 33
Forlorn Hope (A), 43

Ick (The), 270
Illuminations, 115
Important Resolutions, 236
Improvements at Windsor Castle, 100

Fountains in Trafalgar Square, 160 I Impudence of Steam (The;, 1 Iti

Fragment (A), 21 ; Inauguration of the Punch Statue, 122

French Firesieht, l6l I Incidents of the Royal Trip. 138

- Model Farm in Africa (A). 109 ! Indisposition of the Thames, 260

Frescoes in the Royal Exchange, 192 j Ineligible Investment, 75

Friendly Advice to a Policeman, 12)

- Warning to Rebellious Jersey, 252

Frights of the Ballet, 73
" Full Inside," 82
Gallantry of Louis-Philippe, 127
Gallic Gasconades, 42
Gazette Extraordinary, 12"
Geese on the Thames (The), 191
General Advertiser (The), 54

Ioways (The), 95
Ireland to Wit, 94
Irish Feathers, 237
Washing Company, 223 - Intelligence, 63, 172

Ingredients of Punch (The), 184
" In my Cottage near a Rail," 41
Inscription for the House of Commons, 18
Intentions of France, 136
Interesting Meeting, 22

to Unborn Ages, 21

and Foreign Institute, 67, 206
Pharmacopoeia, 57

Brougham and the Attorneys, 106

- in the Provinces, 183

--Portrait (The), 116

Brummagem Constituent to his Idol. ?j
Burns' Festival (The), 81, 96
Business of Parliament (The). 43
Buss-Driver's Lament (The). 26
Calumny Refuted, 214
Can it be Jenkins? 270
Capital Hash (A), 227
. _jcuin Prudence, 85

Generosity Rewarded, 108
Generous Sympathy, 54
Gentility at a Discount, 213
Genuine Report of Joinville, 122
Ghost of Whittington, 150
Gibbs and Guy-Faux, 212
*' Glorious Fourth of July" (The), 87
Gog and Maeop in Mourning, 163
Gone to the Dogs, 85

Good Character from his Last Place (A), 258

- News, 4, 179, 234

- Opening for Sir James (A), 44

- Sign of the Times, 211

Graham Letters (The), 10
Graham's Secret Committee, 31
Grand Ballet Politique, 57

- Game Meeting. 216

- Review, 118, 168

Grasshopper's Feast (The), 1S4
Gratitude of Lord Mayor Gibbs, 227
Do Oblige us for Once, 251 Grattaa the Sleepless, 158

Dread of Clairvoyance, 53 Great Agricultural Show (The), 67

Dreadful Nausea, 217

-Shipwreck, 179

State of Destitution, 137

Dumilatre! Dumilatre! 214
Duplicate (A), 74
Early Hours, 48, 125

Razors, 44

- State Trials, 25

Irregular Eclipse of the Moon (An), I*

Italian Intelligence, 33

Jenny Wren's Remonstrance, 96

Joinville at Heme Bay, 108

Justice After Dinner, 218

- for Westminster, 206

Kensington Railway (The), 3, U7, a*

Kindred Feeling 1 A), 160

King of Saxony, 14, 201

King of the French, 183

Know all Men by these Presents. 6-

Labodr Lost, 214

Ladies' Report of the London Season, ['-j
Landlords' Friend Society (Thej. >6i
Last Insult to Poor Old Ireland. 95

-Stage of Intemperance, 1.5

Late Rains (The), 218
Laughing made Easy, 3
Law in Danger (The), 137
Law of Arrest (The), 56

Deodand (The), 245

- Britain Steam Ship (The), 86

- Dog Question (The), 3 I - Storms (The), 211

- Meeting of the Bottles, 246 Lawyers' Clerk Question (The . lt)i

- Plague of London iThe), 161 j Legal Intelligence, 21, 212, 25;

Walnut Case (A), 183 ! Letter from Satan Montgomery, i «

Wash (The), 213

— the Boy Jones, 04
Liberality of the Landlords, 22
Liberation of the Great Britain, lot
Lincoln Disfranchised, 99
Literary Cemetery (The), 2'<4

Intelligence, 42, 46, &c.

Eastern Munificence, 10 ; Greenland Fishery, 58

Editorial Thanksgiving, 42 ' j Guide to Evening Parties, 208

Educational Handkerchiefs, 68 j - Single Ladies, 266

" Eight Pound " Governess (The), 26 | Harb and the Peasant, 195
Election of Lord Mayor, 151 Harmless Enthusiasm, 25»

Englishman's Home is his Castle (An) 26 Harvest in the Mansion House, 140 | Little Frenchman's Second Lesson

Equestrian Feat, 33 1 Health of the Metropolis, 270 j London against All England, og

Erratum, 150 I -.— Towns Commission (The), 227 London's Liabilities, 236

Evening Theatrical Costume, 156 Hear I Hear! S5 | Lord Broua ham on Debt, 63

Exparte Lud in re Lord, 95 Heavy Affliction, 48 - Denman in Danger, 14

Expenses of Punch, 239 Her Majesty and the Milliners, 32 - Eldon's Love Verses, 58

Extensive Imperial Failure, 34 Her Majesty's Accouchement, 74 - Londonderry's Protest, 130

Extinguisher for Alexis (An), 78--• Return, 159, 180 ---;---- ----Second Ukase.



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1844
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1839 - 1849
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Nase <Motiv>
Narr <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 7.1844, Index, S. 275