Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 8.1845

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Art of Packing (The), 1 ] Catching a Tartar. 52 | Episcopal Penance, 136

Appropriate Birthday Gifts, 3

Amusements for the Young, 4
Actors in HigA Life, 15
Antigone Analysed, 34, 42
Architectural Shabbiness, 38
Alderman Missing (au), 43
Angling 56, 206
Aidermanic Arrangements, 64
Absent One (The), 67
Awiul Rise in Muffins, 76
Advantages of a Club, 88
Antiquarian Society, 97, 2S5
Astronomical Phenomenon, 100
Astonishing the Browns, 121
Ambassadors' Box (The), 125
Antiquaries at Loggerheads, 126
Apulogy for Our Own Portrait, 126
Audacious Interference, 235
Astronomical Runners, 150
Advice to ill-used Benedicts, 169
Anti-Maynooth Mania ,The), 187
Anti-Corn Law League Bazaar, 216
Amusing Irony, 222
Another new Spec, 256
Articles and Art, 247
A Counterfeit Presentment, 267
a Nice Young Man fur a small party, 267
Botany for Ladies, 4
British Navy (Thej, 9
Blessings of the Police Force, 12
Biography of Prince Albert s Ox, 14
Boundary Question (The), 2/
Benevolence of the Duke, 36
Blarney at Brighton. 51
Burning Shame (A,, 54
Ballad for True Sportsmen (A), 58
Black Monday, 70
Battue Appointments, 90
Behind-the-Counter Thieves, 91
Battle of the Railw ays, 9i
Bone Crushing, 9 I
British Navy Service (The), 95
Baths for the Poor, 105
Belle Assemblee at Islington, 110
Bishop of Exeter Question (The), 111
Blow for Mr. Bright (A,, 120
Bridge that Don't Carry us Over (The), 136
Brompton in Danger, 143
Board and Lodging Extraordinary, 144
Battle of Waterloo (The), 14.8
Bankrupt Blues (The), 164, 183,261
Beauties of the Court Neusman, I69
Brave, Oxonta, 174
British Lion (The), 182
Blockade of the Blues, 187
Brief Review ( A), 220
Brougham and the Queen's Ball, 242
Bargain (A), 252
Climate of London (The), 1
Cheap Clothing, 3
Confessions of a Conductor, 6
Cheap Furniture, 7
Christmas Festivities, 12
Coal Measure in Lodging-Houses, 12
Caudle's Curtain Lectures, 13, 25, &c. &c.
Conscience Money, 14
Catalogue of Kensington Railway, 16
Christmas W aits (The), 21
Cure for a Cold, 22
Cattle Show Manoeuvre, 22
Crown of Scotland (The), 24
College of the General Practitioner, 43
Crown Diamonds, 40
Charitable Venison, 51

City Turnpike (The), 52 Exchequer Monomaniacs, 137

Colonel Maber'.ey's Stud, 52 | Exeter Change Beadle (The), 144

Classic Drama (The), 53 j Examination Questions, 147

" Creditors" (The), 53 | Eighty-Two Uniform (The;, 159

Comforts of the Poor, 56 | Erratum, 1/0

Cruel Exertion, 56 i England Ruined, 184

Crusade Against the Apple Women, 61
Costs of Justice (The), 69
Children's Delivery Company, 73
Church Thieves, 76
Cattle Epidemic (The), 105
Curiosities of Murder, 1 >u
Contribution by Cobden, 126
<'ure as Bad as the Complaint ;The , 127

Election Te'egraph (The), 192
English Press (The), 194
Excellent New Ballad, 195
Etonian English, 232
" Enchantress" (The), 241
Fashionable Arrivals, 2

Household Economy, 9
Hints for Evenine Parties, 11
How to make a Guy, 11
Hint to the Humane Society, 22
Health of the Metropolis, 24
Homage to the Pheasants, 44
Horrible Occurrence, 54
Hints to Schoolmasters, 60.
Health of the Labourer, 77
Homage to funch, 78
History, &c , of the Polka Mania, 86
Hibernian Humanitv, 127
Honour of the Bar ("fhe,, 129

Few Words to the Laundress (A
uriosities of Charity, 130 j Feathered Tourists, 10

Farthing for Repeal (A), 18
Fazgot Case (A), 21
Fashionable Intelligence, 27, 17^

Five Minutes Advice on Lamps, 7 Hope told a Flattering Tale, 142

Chophouses, 13t
Parliament, 132

Coming Man ( The , 139
Corporation Tournament, 143
I aptain Rous and the Ladies. 16S
1 ommission of Fine Arts, 172
I andid Confession (A), 172
Criminal Drama (The), 180
1 heap Refreshment, 193
I ure of Pauper Souls, I94
Children of the Forest. 225
Caution to Parents, 226
" Call " of the Irish Members, 231
Case of " Dark Blue Spots " ( a), 252
Cambridge's English Speaker, 254
Cool Project (A), 255

Curiosity of Literature, 256 1 Fali of the Polka, 189

Cheap Trips round the World, 258 : Fashionable Movements, 191

Commercial Intelligence, 267 ; French Sailor King (The), 211

Dimension of the Day, 2 Flights ot Genius, 210

Historical Parallel, 149
Hangman's " Moral Lessons" (The), 151
Height ot Impudence (The), 153
How to Heat the House of Commons, 158
Hints on Costume, 157

Fountains in Trafalgar Square, 37, 121, &c. , Humours of the House of Commons, 120

Farmer's Friend (The), 69
Financial Statement (The), 90
Felon Preserves, 98
Frozen out Ducks (The) 107
Fragment of a Tour in the Temple, 12
Front for a Workhouse, 130
First good Act passed this Session, 13i
Foreigners at the English Bar, 137
Frozen Out Sportsmen (The), 138
Framing his Calculations, 154
For the Court Circular, 107
Free List of the Old Bailey (The), 183

Houses at the Albert Gate, 193
Higgins' System (The), 203
How to make a Member tor Woodstock, 212
Highlv Appropriate, 225
Hard Bargain (A), 232
Holiday Excursion Trains, 243
Hints lor the next Exhibition, 246
Highland Men and Highland Mutton, 251
Her Majesty's Bal Poudre, 251
Important to Borrowers, 11
Italian " Blaze of Triumph " (The), 24
Improvements in the Metropolis, 28
Important to Tailors, Pill Merchants, &c 2d
Innocence, 34
Important to Barristers, 41
Irish Agricultural Association, 106

Directions for Finding'a Policeman, 5 | Fiench Pathos, 226 Imaginative Crisis (The., 105

Detentions at the Post Office (The , 14
Divine upon Dripping (A;, 52
Decoy Sovereigns, 68
Departure from the Metropolis, 95
Dana'ides (Ballet of Les), 96
Distressing Effect of the Auction Duty, 107
Ducks, versus Rooks, I70
Duelling for the Million, 118
Deficiencv of the Spanish, 126
Dramatic Shopmen, 131
Dav's Hunt alter Hot-Cross Buns (A), 139
Dead Weights, 139
Distrusting Violation, 142
Dance of Death (The), 163
De Lunatico, &c, 172
Diverting Pastime for Spring, 173
Design for the British Lion (A), 194
Delightful Novelty, 205
Diverting Out of Door Game, 204
Death of an Obscure Impostor, 206
Drury Lane—The Poet Bunn, 2iu

Father Mathew's Debts. 232 : Income Tax Apologist (An), 101

First Day of Term, 235
Fashions for the Opera, 238
Four Chapters on Nervous Complaints. 242
Guide to the Race Course, 5
Good Beginning (A;, 15
Great Running Match, 38
Glories of Sporting (The), 46
" Great Britain" Steam Ship (The , 46
Guide to the Workhouse, 48
George Robins at Home, 57
Gaieties of the Season, 57
Great Rise in Water (A), 90
Game Fortifications, 95
Gross Superstition, 95
Great Pauper Meeting, 108
Golden Hint to Tradesmen, 105
Graham's Decided Hit, 105
Giattan the Goose, 111

Game Laws and Game Clergyman, 117, 137
Good Cause for Complaint, 136

/isputes of Doctors, 225 | Gross Carelessness, 136

Deputy Licenser (The;, 231
Disowned (The), 245
Deeds not Words, 247
Disappointed Sponge to his Host (The), 251
Derby Day (The;, 254
Debate on the Navy, 265
Extraordinary Statistical Fact, 1
Experiments in Chemistry, 6
Exportation of Brides, 8
Elocution Society (The), 21
Education of Hu>bands (The), 32
Economical Luxuries, 73
Early History of Valentines (The), 85
Electric Parliament (The), 125
Extraordinary Attraction, 130 | Hints for Shopping, 7

Extreme Simplicity, 131 I How to tell the Day of the Weei,

Graham's Parliamentary Mistake, 13,"
Great National Exhibition, 150
Galvanic Absurdities, 150
Genteel Christianity, 153
Grand Musical Novelty, 157
Gross Insult to the Court, 170

- Ingratitude, 174

Great Excise Case (The), 202
Genuine Article (The), 203
Gibbs' Safety Lock (The), 213
Grogometer (The), 247
Handsome Turn Out, 2, 14
Hints to Raw Recruits, 4
Hours of Rest, 5

Innocence of Making Money (The), 136
Infallible Test, 138
Instantaneous Remedy, 142
Instructions to Relieving Officers, 147
Interrogatories for Players, 150
111 Wind An), 150
Irish Martyrs (The), 168
Important, if True, 195
Important to Ladies with Thin Shoes, 205
Impromptu Holidays, 222
Illustrious Fishmongers, 238
Isle of Wight in Danger (The), 253
Incurable Complaint (An), 252
Irish Martyrs The), 256
Interesting Addition to Punch's Show, 258
Jullien at Navarino, 22
"Jewish Mind" (The), 54
Justice and her Fees, 89
Joining the Union, 120
Justice to the Jews, 136
Jullien's Prison Music, 199
Joke Destitution, 219
Kingstown Boat Club (The), 22
Kensington Twelfth Cake Show (The), 44

--Thieves (The), 57

--Railway Speculators (The) 136

Language of Docr-Knockers (The), S

Left-Otf Clothes, 8

Lord Brougham t3 Punch, 23

Likelv Joke (A), 24

" Light of Other Days " (The), 24

Luminous Phenomenon, 27

Lay of the Sporting Landlord, 31

Little Lessons for Little Politicians, 23

Legal Intelligence, 52

Literary " Felo-de-se," 78

Labourer's Love Song (Th<>.i,



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1845
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1840 - 1850
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Engel <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 8.1845, Index, S. 271