Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 27.1854

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Act for the Abolition of Charles Kean

(An), 130
Actress in a Rainy Day (An), 146
Ad Pistoreni Banburiensum, 231
Affecting Farewell Speech of a Brave

Defender of his Country, 215
After Supper Amusement at Berlin, 245
Agricultural Revels, 134
Airy and the Coalhole (The), 199
Al Fresco Dinner at Cremorne (An), 59
Alderman in the Water, 95
All the Fun of the Field, 4
All up with England, 47
Amenities of Clonmel Gaol, 13
Anatomy of a Russian Guy Fawkes, 232
Anecdotes of Painting, 18
Anthropomorphous Asses, 140
Antidote to Clicquot, 72
Apes of the Boudoir, 144
Appearance of the Police, 61
Aristocratic Avalanche (An), 43
As Clear as Crystal, 44
Attack on Boulogne (The), 115
Awakened Conscience (The), 7
Bad Thoughts (written at Baden Baden),


j Baltic Broadside (A), 91

! Ear, Bar, Black Sheep, 18

! Base Attempt on the Crimea, 169

! Battle of Alma Mater (The), 215

Battle of Balaklava (The), 219
j Battle of Guy Fawkes Day (The), 220

Battle of the Alma, as fought at Astley's
(The), 185

Battle of the Bungs (The), 222

Battle Koll (The), 236

Beadledom in Danger, 231

Behind the Shutters, 71

Belgraviau Music Mania (The), 50

Bella, Uorrida Bella! 120

Better for Mixing, 250

Between Bull and Bear, 43

Betwixt me, you, the Ambassador and his
Post, 82

Bible Hero (A), 250

Birds—not of a Feather, 120

Bishop of Exeter's Dead Wall (The), 248

" Blighted Being (A)," 167

Blood of the Grape, 252

Blow for a Puff (A), 222

Bomarsund to begin with, 92

' Bonk in a Bustle (A)," 129

Bottleholder and the House of Smoke
(The), 184

Brackish Thoughts, 90

Breaking Up, 69

Bright Idea carried out (A), 206

Bright Poker (The), 258

British Archaeological Society (The), 84

Broadside from the Black Sea (A), 133,

Brooke Testimonial (The), 132
Burial of the Session's Business (The), 28
Call a spade a Spade, 63
Cant of Criticism (The), 237
Cardinal Virtues in a Hat, 131
Case of Real Distress f A), 73
Character of Daudo (Tom Oyster Ea'er), 121
Character of (Astley's) Menschikoff (The),

Characteristics of Irish Members, 9

Charity by Proxy, 217
Charley's (not) my Darling, 255
Cheap Clerical Hospitality, 226
Chemistry of Common Domestic Life
(The), 47

Christmas Carol for the Crimea (A), 255
Circuit Gambols, 32
City of London Cement, 9
Clerical Sherry, 216
Clerks and Clodhoppers, 209
Clerks at Starvation Prices, 196
Clodhopper at the Crystal Palace (A), 51
College of Real Cookery (A), 156
Coluldrub (A), 247
Common Sense in Regimentals, 123
Convict of Love (The), 52
Cornish Wrestlers with Famine, 120
Coroners and Railway Companies, 94
Court Martial for Me (A), 57
Criticism All Hot, 85
Crossing Sweeping as a Fine Art, 18S, 256
Cruel Treatment of a Respectable Persou,

" Cucumbers agrees with us ! " 237

Curate's Uniform (The), 228

Czar and his Cousin Nicholas (The) , 89

Czar ira (Le), 246

Czar's Confusion (The), 30

Czar's Forge (The), 178

Czar's Night Thoughts (The), 58

Czar's Tremendous Sacrifice (The), 105

Dangers of Fine Writing, 261

Day of Absolute Rest (A), 3

De Bello Anglo-Gallico, 225

De Lunatico, 235

Defend your Mayor, 163

Denomination of King Clicquot, 261

Deputations Waited On at the Shortest

Notice, 173
Deserted One of Downing Street (The), 163
Devoted (The), 189
Due of the Dead (The), 173
Dig with a Lady's Parasol (A), 123
Dinner for Everybody (A), 189
Dirty Money, 27

Disraeli and the Fifth of November, 170

Disraeli in a Beer Barrel, 158

Dog Days at the Bluecoat School (The), 59

" Dogs and Monkeys ! " 38

Doublmbeesioraus, 166

Downfall of Downing Street. £3

Drat the Flies ! 114

Duke of Decanters (The), 2

Dying Black Swan in the Church (A), 142

Educational Damper fAn), 52

Electric Story Teller (The), 143

Elevated Court Circular (An), 72

Emperor Nicholas (as Painted by Dr.

Cottman), The, 101
Empire is—Police (The), 140
Evil Eyes on Nicholas, 96
Excuse for Horse Guards, 105
Expressive Doublefacedness, 167
Fate of Franklin and his Men (The), 177
Fate of the Thetis (The), 260
Fate of Umbrellas (The), 75
Fellow with the Scythe (The), 29
Finale fo an Opera (A), 93
Fine Arts in Poet's Corner, 52
Fine young English Officer (The), 79
First Cousin to Nicholas (The), 28

First Railway in Australia (The). 241
Fleas and Bookworms at the British Mu-
seum, 19
Flowers from the West, 83
Flowers of the Army (The), 120
French Troops in English Bottoms, 60
From Windsor to St. Petersburgh, 187
Gallant Forty-Sixth (The), 71
Gambling German Governments (The), 198
General View of Greece, 208
German Tinder, 237

Ghost of Cobbett to the Earl of Aberdeen
(The), 257

Give us the Paper—who's Divorced? 104
• Glut of Great Creatures (The), 176
| Glut of Great Tragedians (A), 125
j Gfing, Going, Gone, 165
j Good News for Cockney Travellers, 110

Good Thing by W. B., 258

Government Coup de Theatre (A), 32

Government Examiners (The), 183

Grand Fancy Fair (for the benefit of
Destitute Barristers, &c.) The, 72

Great Debate Nuisance (The), 252

Great Man (A), 250

Great Pig Question (The), 197

Great Taptub Case (The), 154

Great Tragedian and the Citizen (The), 157

Greater Man than Nicholas (A), 193

Greatest Event of the Present Session
(The), 58

Growth of a New Suburb (The), 167

Gunnery Practice, 215

Guy's Nose put out of Joint, 216

Handsome Offbr (A), 167

Harvest Home, 103

Hat in want of a Place (A), 229

Heartsease for the Czar, 14

Hide and Seek Market (The), 122

Higher Classes' Encouragement Society
(The), 205

Hints on Baby Shows, 180

Hohenzollern's Appeal, 225

How the World is Ruled, 112

How they Treat Truth in Russia, 190

How to be an Early Bird, 122

Mow to Beat the Russians, 59

How to Manufacture Spanish Dancers, 176

How to take Cronstadt, 210

How to test a Nation's Superiority, 154

Hush. Boys, Hush ! 188

Imaginary Conversation, 29, 54.

Important from the Seat of War (By our
own Bashi-Bozouk), 1, 11, 21, 31, 41

Important Meeting to the (Female) Heads
of Families, 186

Improvement on Early Closing (An), 70

In America lias an Englishman Property
in his own Nose? 135

In Re Sebastopn], 197

Infallible Specific, 151

Interesting habits of Ministers, 57

Iron Age of Theatricals (The), 134

" Jack's Holiday," 200

Jenkins on a Beer-barrel, 19

Jeremiah Smith and William Staggers,75

John Bull's Share of the Battle, 156

Joke by a Teetotaller (A), 218

Jolly Companions, 81

Jolly Russian Prisoners (The), 2>',5

Jonathan's Baby Show, 164

Joseph Hume Portrait (The). 64

Judicial Leap in the Dark (A), 27

Kean, v. Pickard, 193

Kept in Town, 94

King Fritz, 258

King Juniper's Sunday, 30

King Smoke, 84

King Stephen with a Difference, 245

Ladies' Habits for October, 146

Lady's Conscience (A), 48

Law and Lindley Murray, 7

Law, v. Philosophy, 247

Lawyer off his i'eed (A), 116

Left-off Clothes for Australia, 132

Lieutenant Maxse's Ride, 163

Life Preserver (The), 258

Limited Liability, 12

Lives of the sheriffs, 144

Look out for your Liberty, 90

Lord Aberdeen's Explanation, 3

Lord Chancellor and the Second Column ol

the Times (The), 247
Lord Mayor's Show (The), 179
Lumley's Midnight Review, 13
Maine Model Law, 95
Making Game of Poetry, 164
Man at the Wheel (The), 76
Man with the Mild Eyes (The), 158
Manchester Peace-Goods, 241
Many Things in few Words, 53
.Matrimonial Institution (The), 225
Matrimonial Office (The), 230
Memento Mori, 235
Memorandum for Young Officers, 82
Menschikoft's Retreat, 235
Military March of Intellect (The), 83
Missing Despatch (The), 249
Missionary Church (A), 3
Mock Jenkins at the Palace (A), 100
Model Bal Masque (The), 255
Model Court (The), 204
Monkey's Allowance, 130
Moral of Wooden Cannon-balls (The), 10
More Musical Quackery, 84
Motherless Children of Fashion (The), 232
Mr. Briefless and the Council on Legal

Education, 102
Mr. Bright's Leg, 237
Mr. Bright's new Word, 259
Mr. Punch to an Eminent Personage, 110


Mrs. Durden on the Blockade, 101

Mrs. Grundy to Mr. Bright, 203

Much Ado about Diplomatic Nothing, 116

Murder from the F"rench, 4

Music for Mars. 27

Music of the Political Spheres (The), 50

Nisvv Names for the Navy, 100

New Police in Paris (The), 133

New Way of Pleasing the Pigs (A), 153

Newcastle Cossack (The), 226

Nicholas to his Pillow, 70

Nightingale's Song to the Sick Soldier
(The), 184

No Mates for the Vulture, 40

No Mercy for Palmerston, 262

No more Time-Tables, 238
i No Nothing in Scotland on a Sunday, 19
! Notice to Correspondents, 99

Nurses of Quality for the Crimea, 193
! "Offensive and Defensive.'' 2-12

Vol. 27.




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1854
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1849 - 1859
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 27.1854, Index, S. 265