Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 32.1857

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First Lord of the Treasury .......... Viscount Palmerston.

Lord Chancellor........... Lord Cranworth.

Chancellor of the Exchequer........ Right Hon. Sir G. Cornewall Lev, :s, Bart.

Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster.....■ . . . Right Hon. Matthew Talbot Baines.

President of the Council . - . . . ^ . . . Earl Granville.

Lord Privy Seal...... . . . • Earl of Harrowbt.

Home Office ........... Right Hon. Sir George Grey, Bart.

Foreign Office . . . . . . . . ... Earl op Clarendon.

Colonial Office........... Right Hon. Henry Labouchere.

War Secretary........... Lord Panmure.

Admiralty........... Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bart.

Board of Control . ... . . . . . . Right Hon. Robert Vehnon Smith.

Board of Trade........... Lord Stanley of Alderley .

Postmaster-General.......... Duke oe Argyll.

Without Office ........... Marquess of Lansdowne.




TTRadmirable summary—The Essence of Parliament—being ; western suburbs of Canton, who, carried with them fire-balls
sufficiently explanatory of the proceedings of the Legis- I and lighted torches, and assisted by shells from the ships they

soon involved the suburb in a general conflagration, and then
retired. The suburb blazed for two days, and on the second

lature, we avail ourselves of the space at our command to give
at some length the details of the two great events which make
the year 1857 memorable in our annals. Towards the close of j day the Chinese tired some rockets upon the Dutch Folly

last year, a dispute arose concerning a Chinese lorcha called
the Arrow, and the Chinese Commissioner took such measures
as compelled the British Squadron, then in the Canton waters,
to destroy several forts, and to commence a war which led to
the capture of Canton, and a Treaty of Commerce more liberal

fort, but our superior practice soon compelled them to desist.
Afterwards, the church and club-house at Canton were blown
up by our troops, and the Dutch Folly and Bird's Nest forts
were also abandoned. The steamers were withdrawn from
the upper part of the river, and the troops took up their

in its conditions than had hitherto existed with the Celestial | position in the Teatotum fort, near the Macao passage

An atrocious massacre was perpetrated at the close of the
year 1856, on board a small steamer called the Thistle, used
for carrying the mails between Canton and Hong-Kong. A
party of Chinese soldiers went on board disguised as passengers,
and as the vessel was proceeding down the river they attacked
the Europeans on board, eleven in number, and murdered
them all. They then ran the vessel aground, in a creek,
abandoned her, and set her on fire, escaping themselves with

It was found, early in January, 1857, that the force at the
disposal of Admiral Sir Michael Seymour was too small
to occupy with safety all the positions taken from the Chinese,
and after destroying the factories by fire, the troops were con-
centrated in the place called the Gardens and the Dutch Folly, -
while the ships of war were anchored in different parts of the
river. Afterwards, it was determined to abandon the Gardens,
and occupy only the Dutch Folly and Bird's Nest forts, and
on the 12th of January, parties of troops were landed in the

Whampoa also was entirely abandoned.

To show the vindictive spirit in which the Imperial Com-
missioner Yeh was disposed to carry on the contest, we may
mention that he issued a proclamation, which contained the
following tariff of rewards, promised to those who succeeded
in killing any of the " red-haired foreign dogs"—that is, the
British and French.

" I. Whoever catches an English or French rebel chief -mil receive a reward
of 5000 dollars.

" 2. Whoever cuts off the head of a rebel barbarian will receive a reward
of 50 dollars.

"3. Whoever catches a rebel barbarian alive will receive a reward of 100

" 4. Whoever catches a traitor, will, on producing satisfactory evidence,
receive a reward of 20 dollars.

" 5. Whoever can manage to burn or take a large war steamer-wi!l receive
a reward of 10,000 dollars.

" 6. Whoever can manage to burn or take a shallow water steamer will
receive 2000 dollars, and be recommended for farther reward."

The proclamation added :—

" All those who are in the employ of the foreign dogs must leave the j4
employment in one month, and after one month, if they still stay with the
foreign dogs, and do not return to their native villages, the elders of the
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