Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 33.1857

DOI Heft:
November 14, 1857
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Soy. " Here you are, Sir. Black yer Boots, and take yer Likeness for

the small charge op threepence ! "


After a Dinner at the Reform Club.

Hail, Francatelli, mighty chef,

Whose culinary sway,
Which all allow, has made tiiee now

First Artist of the day.

The feast divine, by thee prepared,

Which stands recorded here,
Enjoyed last night, though lost to sight,

Is still to memory dear.

Who can describe the Consomme
Which spreads thy fame so far,

What language paints, that food for saints,
Kromesky's de Foies gras ?

What honour was it for La Dinde
Picked from the flock with care,

By thee truffe, by us mangee
With Jambon au Madere !

Proud must have been those partridges

If they when dyiug knew,
That they would be, in thy Salmi,

Dressed a la Richelieu!

Thy perfect entremets will live

In glory ever green;
Who would not praise thy Mayonnaise,

Or Croque-en-Bouche d'Avelines ?

Who tasted once will ne'er forget

Thy Gelee au Noyau,
Immortal fame surrounds the name,

Of Tartalettes d'Abricots!

In humble verse, great chef, I thus

Acknowledge thy success;
But still I wish, of every dish,

I'd eaten rather less.

A Musical Receptiox.—When the whale was stranded
at Scarborough, an ex-baritone went down and serenaded it
with the air from II Trovatore:—" // Baleine."

irp oa M'ti mi¥1? a uBTriPT imparts to the structure a rich coal-barge heaviness, worthier one of

VV±j la iv 1 A J51U.LHi.Lj. the wlmrves at Blackfriars than the pellucid banks of St. James's. It

We can't make a monument, and now it seems we can't make a 1 ™ 80 black that we fancied the drawing must have been made by
bridge. A poor simple suspension bridge is completely above us. It C°L\[^7 ^r thTe ?redlt°f ™l£C}?°1*,ot Design, we cannot and will
is worth while walking down to St. James's Park, merely to see how not beheve & Let us trust that Art has not sunk so low in this
clever we are in making a failure. All lovers of the grotesque should ?°',mt7 MJfe S^ens'on mn™e St. James s Park would

make the muddy pilgrimage. If a prize had been offered for an ugly j indicate. Without any offence to tire Chinese we must say that it
bridge, we doubt if a finer specimen could have been selected than the j would be a disgrace to the Willow-Pattern Plate,
one which rears its puny head over the ornamental water at the old j ==^^=^=^==:
spot, where the ferryman used to feather his oar with so much dex-
terity. Surely, ornamental water deserved a bridge with some pre-
tensions to ornament. As it is, we believe a long plank, stretched
across, would have been less stuck up, and far more ornamental. The
worst is that, since the water has been purified, you have the kideous-
ness twice over. Not only do you have the eyesore above, but
the bright reflection of it, also, below. The advantage of this im-
provement is, that you have two eyesores instead of one. It lies so
squat on the water (as though it were taking a sitz-bath), that the
poor birds can hardly swim underneath it. Some of the swans have
already got stiff necks, from stooping so continually to avoid receiving
a knock on the head. It would not astonish us, as the winter advances,
to see them with their throats wrapped up in flannel; an aged swan,
with an old stocking tied round its neck, would certainly be a most
moving object of sympathy.

We suppose we shall get accustomed, in time, to this new disfigure-
ment of our mutilated metropolis, as we have done to others of a
kindred ugliness ; but it is very trying at first. To complete the
mockery, we hope that a board will be put up with the following
entreaty:—" The Public is respectfully requested to protect this
valuable bridge." On our word, it is such a malefactor against the
rules of good taste, that it richly deserves being hung, as it is, in
chains not less black than those that are suspended over the Felon's


Rome aids a work her priests have shunned,

If, from his Holiness's banks,
The Pope has helped the Indian Fund

To (journals say) Two thousand francs.

Come, Cullen, humble that stiff neck,
Good men should pull in the same boat, all,

Cry Meet, culpa ! Draw your cheque.
Salute the Toe, and swell the total.


a case for legislators.

If I go into a Grocer's shop, and steal two or three pieces of sugar,
I am a thief. But if the Grocer sells me a pound of sugar, and there
are one or two ounces short, he merely sells things by false weight.
I am imprisoned. The Grocer is fined a few shillings, and escapes. I
am guilty of but one theft. The Grocer, it may be, is guilty of a
• thousand, for he robs every person to whom he sells goods with those
Gate at Newgate. { false weights. Now, can you tell us, by what strange anomaly of the

To give it an air of additional lightness, we must not omit to state [ Law, the greater Thief is allowed to get off so much more cheaply
•hat the iron-work has all been painted a deep funereal black, that! than the lesser ? Why shouldn't there be the sanfe Law for both?
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