Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 42.1862

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Abd-el-Kadsr and his Horse, 164
Accident makes Advertisements Ac-
quainted with Strange Companions, 4u
“ Addictus Jurare,” 52
Additional Regulations for the Public
during the Exhibition, 181
Allies of the Irish Brigade, 142
Amateur Engine-Drivers, 13
American Pope (An), 31
American Reaping Machine, 9
Another Author’s Appeal, 9
Another Sham, 192
Apparition Accounted for (An), 78
Appeal to Mrs. Harris, 199
Appendix to Darwin’s Origin of Species,

April Fools, 145
Apt Quotation, (

“ Arma Canemque ! ” 17

“ Arma Virumque Cano," 3

Art Treasures of Guildhall, 64

Asylum for Decayed Funambulists, 8

Beauts’ going A-Begging, 9

Beauty not without Paint, 154

Ben the Bird-Catcher, 216

Bells at the Great Exhibition (The), 232

Best Abused Science of the Day (The), 128

Best Japan Blacking! 225

Biggest of Butcher Boys (The), 61

Big Name for a Big Place (A), 191

Biography for Professor Blackie (A), 39

“ Bird-Cage Walk,” 231

Birds and Beasts, 190

Bishop Garibaldi for Pope, 165

Bitter Edinburgh Bailie (A), 239

Blackie on his Breed, 29

Blondin in a Breeze, 252

Bore of a Brewing Licence (The), 172

Botany at One’s Fingers’ Ends, 256

Bravo, both of you ! 72

Breaking the Doll, 244

Butterflies Pinned Down, 68

Cabby on Insolence, 214

Lab-Hunting Intelligence, 211

Cabman and his Enemy (The), 1

Cabman’s Indignation Meeting, 169

Capital of Turin (The), 235

Capital Transformation Scene (A), 215

Card (A), 128

Carollings for Cockneys, 251
Cat’s Walk (The), 241
Certain Star Shot madly from its Sphere
(A), 10

Chancellor’s Ghost (The), 165
Charity Exchange (The), 154
Cheap at the Price, 8
Clients of St. Ann (The), 89
Close, the Poet, 140
Close Ultramontane Congress, 183
Cock that Died Game (A), 173
Coil of Brooding Mystery (A), 150
Comfortable Concerts, 64
Coming Man (The), 120
Companion to the Peerage (A), 78
Compliments of the Season (The). 19
Compliment to a Gallant Colonel (A), 189
Compromise with America (A), 13
Conscience Money, 107
Conservatives and Derbyites, 104
" Consummation Devoutly to be Wished ”
(A), 215

Copyright iu the Countenance, 99

Costumes of Female Natives, 175

Cousins are Coming (The), 220

Craniolugy of Race (The), 199

Crinoline Ashore and Afloat, 144

Crow for Ourselves (A), 213

Cry for Conservatives (The), 175

Cumming Events, 119

Curiosities of Commerce, 120

Curiosities of Natural History, 159

Cut the Cads, 190

Dauntless Bravery of Counsel, 51

Days when we wore Straps (The), 161

Death of a N onogenarian, 130

Debates on the Great Remonstrance, 12

‘' Delirant Reges, plectuntur Achivi,” 174

Delusive Puffery, 53

Deplorable Prejudice, 172

Depots for Dypsomaniacs, 97

Diamonds from the Windham Mine, 47

Diner h la Russe (The), 10

Direction Posts for the Populace, 13

Discouragement for Duellists, 91

Disraeli’s Stories, 200

Dissenting Procession (The), 185

Disunion is Strength, 211

Dizzy’s Conscience, 242

Do not call Names, 231

Door of Freemasonry Battered in (The), 139

“ Double, Double, Toil and Trouble,” 123

Dream and the Reality (The), 200

Duel amongst the Potherbs (A), 109

“ Eaks of Dionysius ” (The), 118

Edwin aud Emmett, 243

Electoral Facts, 7

Elegant Omnibus (The), 202

Emblem of Domestic Bliss (An), 169

Employment for Women, 245

Endless Resources, 22

End of Naval War (The), 134

England’s 111-Wistiers, 98

English Manners to the French Mind, 203

Essays and Remarks, 151, 156, 165, &c.

European Cards, 67

Exhibition of Protective Inventions, 184
Exhibitors and their Advertisements, 196
Exposing a Lazy Minister, 33
Faoit Indignatio Versum, 22
Fair Offer from John Bull to Miss Co-
lumbia (A), 14

Fair Word for a Fair Place (A), 186
Farewell to the Fleet (A), 176
Farmers Killing their Friends, 235
Fearful Retribution, 1U8
Fights to Come, 24
Five Garters (The), 184
Flying Island Wanted (A), 195
Foreigners and Cricket, 231
France and Mumbo Jumbo, 111
French aud English Generalship, 141
French Critic upon Cricket (A), 221
French Foreign Wine, 141
Frenchman’s First Step in Punuing(A), 211
French Portrait of John Bull (A), 240
French Pot and English Kettle, 134
From the *• Westminster Bell's Life,” 206
Frozen-out Sailors, 191
Galvanic Crinoline (The), 119
Gaol and the Workhouse (The), 240
Gem of the Show (The;, 2o9 ’

Gems Irom tbe West, 27
Gentility and Good Manners, 252
‘' Gesture,” (The), 205

Gifts of the South (The), 171
“ Going out a Shooting,” 203
Good at Fielding—and at Hitting, 87
Good Popish News, 190
Governesses for the Imbecile, 41
Government in Lodgings, 222
Government Office that Pays (A), 150
Great American Question (The), 190
Great Britain in Bankruptcy, 110
Great Morning Call Nuisance (The), 37
Guarantee (A), 48

" Hail, Star of New Brunswick 1” 139
Happiest of Men (The), 108
Heigho 1 Bacche 1 88
Helmets for Peace Heroes, 42
Here’s a Coil, my Masters ! ” 102
Hesitation in a Gentleman’s Speech, 108
Hints for Pensive Puffs, 212
Hit at Exeter Hall (A), 142
Hoax on tne Serious Papers, 87
Homage to Genius, 142
Homoeopathy in Hydrophobia, 9
Hooks and Eyes of Charity (The), 90
Hopeless Justice, 51
How Long? 166

How to Christen our Ironsides, 176
How to Train up a Child, 78
How Vulcan gave Armour to Taurus-
Neptunus, 156
Hubbard Myth (The), 59
Humphrey and Humbug, 20
riurroo for O’Reilly 1 94
II Pio Nono, 173

Impolitic Persecution in Spain, 50
Inconceivable Fatuity, 1S5
Indifference of Lambeth (The), 199
Indignation making Verses, 162
industrial Handbook for the Interna-
tional Exhibition, 209
Infallible Railway (The), 70
infant’s Wine Bill (An), 88
Innocence of a Bankruptcy Commis-
sioner (The), 181

Insanity in the Federal Camp, 33

International Exhibition (The), 180

I once had a Tailor, 73

1. O. U. Indiau (The), 44

Irish Orderly Meeting (An), 210

Iron Age Afloat (The), 175

Iron-Clad Jack, 146

Is the Press Bribed ? 254

Japan at Epsom, 240

John Bright in his Place, 123

John Bull’s Puzzle, 109

Joke at the Japanese (A), 210

Jonathan and bis Ass, 39

Jonathan’s Lunacy Case (The), 11

J ust the very name for him, 44

Kelly in Verse, 251

King Cabbage in Chancery, 49

King Handel aud King Punch, 242

King with a strange Taste for Music, 183

Ladies and their Victims, 211

Last Word on the Windham Case (A), 58

Latest Irom Washington, 54

Latest Intelligence of To-Morrow, 91

Latinist’s Latin Verse (A), 253

Laudator ab Hiss, 27

Lays for American Lawyers, 37

Legal Profit and Loss, 230

Lenity Properly Rebuked, 32

Lesion of the Lun^s of London, 59

“ Let Glasgow Flourish,” 163
Letter from Mr. Bright, 120
Letter from Mr. Punch’s Son, 236
*’ Let the Swan Alone,” 69
Lines on the Lunacy Bill, 143
Lion du Quartier Latin (Le), 103
Lord Canning, 256

Lord Dundreary’s Derby Prophecy, 226
Lord John’s Impromptu, 222
Lord Palmerston’s Coachman, 230
Lord Punch to Lord Russell, Greeting, 43
Love in a Haze, 202
Love of Comparison (The), 100
Lunatic Proceeding (A), 52
Lures for Ladies, 128
Maqic bailors, 21
Manchester School, 2
Mart for Arc (A), 175
Masonic Ditty (a), 23
Matter of Absorbing Interest (A), 141
Maxim for Exhibition, 160
“ May and December,” 134
May Meeting at Rome (The), 164, 216
“ May the Evening’s Amusement Bear,”
<fcc., 244

Means for a Great Monument, 118
Meeting of the Month (Tne), 121
Merry aud Dreary England, 132
Military Mawwormism, 103
Military Mystery (A), 243
Milton Illustrated, 89
Misapplication ol Peter’s Pence, 152
Miscellaneous, 34
Missionary Swells, 246
Mission of the Japanese Martyrs, 249
Miss-use of Music (A), 7
Money Article on America, 59
More American Slang, 133
“ More last Words,” 191
Mormuuite Petticoat Government, 131
Mother Church Triumphant in Spain, 151
Mother Pope’s Allocution, 254
Mr. Bright and the Fine Arts, 145
Mrs. Harris on the Report of a Row, 244
Mrs. Harris’s Pnoenix, 176
Mr. Sleigh and the Land that s Free, 193
Mystery aud Music, 12
Narrowing Spectacle (A), 199
Nasal Intelligence, 43
Natant Apples, 17i
Nawful Case (A), 48
.Necklace of Pearls (A), 98
Needless Trouble, 24
New Cry lor Conservatives (A), 202
Newly Discovered Passage mShakspeare,

New Song for the Navy (A), 242
Nicer Sort of Bread (A), 149
Nice Word for Bribery (A), 235
"No Cards,” 4

No Fuss with Slidell and Mason, 22
No more Armstrong Guns 1 152
Non Possum us 1 51

Northern and Southern States of London
(The), 37

N otes by a Horridly Satirical Creature, 213

Not Haifa World’s Fair, 184

Nuts for Conservatives, 151

O. aud C. (The;, 155

O’Donoghue Banquet (The), 180

Oily Candidate for Royalty (An), 100

Omnibus Tyrants (ThoA 186



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Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






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Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 42.1862, Index, S. 259