Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[June 28, 1862.

One of Shaftesbury’s Characteristics, 117
One word for him, Two for us. 69
Opening of the Great Exhibition (The), 179
Opening of the International Exhibition,
6", 146

Organ-Grinding Nuisance (The), 129
‘' Organic Change ” (An), 209
Osborne on Army Clothiers, 108
Our Anchor at the Exhibition, 174
Our dear Brother Jonathan, 29
Our Dramatic Correspondent, 3,19, 23, &c.
Our Neighbour’s Deceased Wives’ Sisters,

Our Noble Selves ! 223
Our Own Correspondent, 219
Our Roving Correspondent, 38, 67
Outlandish Intelligence, 72
Out-of-the-Way Journey (An), 224
Out with Russell, 181
Palace of Art (The), 180
Pam and the Match, 234
Papal Pedigree (The), 23
Parfum de Rome, 71
“ Pay Here,” 231

Peculiarities of a Smoky Chimney, 161
Peer among the Paupers (A), 150
Pellets of Paper, 210
Penny-a-Liner’s Cyclopaedia (The), 89
Pbilidor in Arms, 59

Philosophy Stooping to Pick up a Pun, 109
Picking Holes in One’s Own Solvency, 225
Pity the Poor Diplomates, 47
Pity the Poor Heathen, 63
Pity the Sorrows of a poor Pythoness, 162
“ Place aux Dames ! ” 83
Plague of Education (The), 58
Plague of my Life (The), 250
Plaint by a Pitman, 113
" Play’s the Thing” (The), 111
Pleasantest Picture of any (The), 155
Pleasant View of the Pope (A), 97
Pleasures of Paris (The), 165
Plush in a Fuss, 171
Poem by Victor Hugo, 60
Poetry by a Musician, 221
Poetry for a Bishop, 1
Police and the Crushers (The), 77
Policeman worthy of Promotion (A), 182
Polite Note to the President of the Corps
L6gislatif, 57

Poor Richard's Maxims, 7, 62
Popular Want (A), 48
Post your Money, 32
Praise where least Expected, 130
Preaching and Playing, 28
Pretty Little Pupils, 2
Pretty Site for a King (A), 23
Prince and the Pyramid (The), 123
Printiug-House of Correction (A), 112
Privileged Organ-Nuisance (The), 117
Prize Income-Tax for 1862 (A), 11
Proceedings against Lord Elcho, 219
Professor Blackie’s Sentence out of his
own Mouth, 161
Profitable Transaction (A), 144
Progress and Devastation, 205
Progress in Case of Peace, 40
Pr< gress of Petticoat Government, 199
Prophhte Played for the first time by a
Lady (The), 191
Proposed Equestrian Statue, 2
Proposition that we trust will quickly be
Carried out, 9

Promotion well Earned, 163
Protection for th e Poor Organ-Grinder,249
Protestant Monkey’s Tricks, 250
Proverbs h la Dundreary, 79
Pull Armstrong Pull Admiralty, 160
“ Pulline up in Time,” 54
Pulse of Turkey (The). 171
Punch Counselleth King Cole touching
tbe International Exhibition, 229
Punch for Coroner, 256
Punchii, Cracem Pacem Petentis Palin-
odia, 201

Punch’s Essence of Parliament, 61, 71,
82, <fec

Punch to Lord Chief Justice Erie, 152

Punch to the Pitmen, 99

Punch to the Tories. 155

Python Parturiens, 74

Q. C. and the Omnibuses (The). 253

Quack against Quack, 42

Quack Pills and Poetry, 206

Question of Account (A), 142

Railway Raillery, 140

Rare Chance for the Organ-Grinders, 79

Real American Grievance (A), 245

Real Paper Money, 119

Reform and the Readers, 220

Regular French Brick (A), 79

Removal of a Nuisance (The), 251

Reserved Seats with a Reservation, 129

Resignation of Mr. Bright (The), 14

Respectful Query (A), 118

Revised Code for Boarding Schools (A), 164

Revival of the Canine Fancy, 124

Revived Poet (A), 192
“Right (and Wrong) about Face,” 211
Right Man for the Right Place (The), 100
Right Man in the Right Place (The), 38
River to the Ocean of his Thoughts (The),
107 e

Roar from John Bull (A), 28
Rogues of the World, 164
Rome and Dahomey, 88
Rome and St. Petersburg, 32
Roman Holiday (A). 159
Rowdie’s Manual (The), 4
Rumoured Change of Fashion, 47
Sabbatarian Police (The), 155
Salisbury and Jeroboam, 31
Satire in the Saturday Review (A), 77
Seasonable Spree (A), 20
Sensation Police Case (A), 170
“ Sensation” Scribbling, 215
Sensitiveness of Osborne (The). 103
Sentiment, 91

Shakspearius Restauratus, 98

“ Shan’t do as We ’re Bid,” 128

Shepherd of Salisbury Plain (The), 47

Shower of Copper (A), 232

Sick Man in the Money Market (The), 151

“ Silence is Golden,” 88

Singing for Soldiers, 235

Sixty-Two on the Shore, 7

Slight on a Sovereign People, 32

Smack at Day and Martin (A), 195

Small Voice for the Small Birds (A), 17

Snuffle from a Saint (A), 175

Something “ in Nubibus,” 118

Something like a Mayor, 189

Something like Land Reform, 81

Song in Aid of Sobriety, 18

Spare the Woods and Forests. 68

Speculations about Money, 192

Spitalfields and Hyde Park. 133

Stagnation at Winchester, 93

Still Harping, 59

St. Januarius for Italy ! 206

Sublime Sultan (A), 80

Surge, Carnifex 1 19

Ta brings and tbe Red Tapeings (The), 134
Taking a Turn at Handel, 244
Talk about the Telegraph, 149
Tall Doin’s, 139
“Tall Writin’,” 42
Taxation great Tyranny, 70
Telegrammatic Twaddle, 220
“ These Young Folks,” 83
“ This Comes Hopping,” 190
Three Hundred Words, 48
Thumb for a Trifle (A). 11
Tilt at the Turnpikes (A), 127
To all whom it may Concern, 194
To Charlotte with her Photograph, 169
Tod-Hunter (The), 222
To the Ladies of Britain, 3
Toxicologv of Shakspeare (The), 182
True Patriotism, 49
‘ ‘ Tuscarora ” (The), 53
Two Cases (The), 30

Two Queens in the Exhibition (The), 189
Two Sides of a “Shilling” (The), 184
Unbending Reed (An), 43
Unknown Bull (The), 199
Unparalleled Epigram, 122
Utilisation of Rosewater, 78
Vengeance and Repudiation, 33
Veritable ‘ ‘ Op6ra Comique ” (Le), 89
Victims of Progress, 77

Vivat Regina! 163
Vive la Ga6ta ! 100
Voices of the Deep (The), 117
“ Volenti non fit injuria,” 63
Vulpicide (The), 129
Wanted. 70

Wants of the World’s Fair, 200

“ Warning to Westbury” (A), 84

Way to do it (The), 101

Well-Meaning Writer (A), 118

Well Worth the Money, 109

“We Wish you may ever See it again,” 173

What are the Bishops about ? 80

What to Call it, 186

What we Owe to Wilkes, 24

Whimsical Error of Popery (A), 239

Whisper in the Ear of the Emperor (A), 113

Whistling for a Wind, 114

Whole Duty of Property (The), 80

Who is an American? 12

Who is to be Coroner? 253

“ Who’s dat Knocking at the Door ? ” 119

Why don’t you Repeal your Paper Duty ?


Wiseman or Walker ? 109

Woman and a Cat (A), 166

Wonderful Woman (A), 191

Work for Penwomen, 27

World in Little at South Kensington, 202

Yahoos of the Yankee Press (The), 21

Yankee Classics, 57


Ben the Bird-Catcher (out of Luck), 217
Bit of Household Stuff (A), 136
“ British Tar” of the Future (The), 147
Boxing Day, 5

Canine at the Westminster Pit, 125
Dead Calm (A), 115
Dr. Birch and bis Young Friends, 237
Great French Medium (The), 105
Holiday Task (The), 65
“International” Difficulty (from Rome)
(An), 197

Jonathan’s Programme, or a Bit of
Brag, 247

Law and Lunacy, 35
May-Day Present (The), 187
Naughty Jonathan, 25
New Orleans Plum (The), 207
Oberon and Titania, 137
O’Mannikin (The), 95
Parliamentary Python (The), 85
Peace, 177

Political Arithmetic, 55
Popish Organ Nuisance (The), 167
Professor of Allocution (The). 257
Retrogression (a very Sad Picture), 45
“ Sensation” Struggle in America, 227
Too Civil by Half, 75
“ Up a Tree,” 15
Vulcan Arming Neptune, 157


After Dundreary, 186
Amenities of the Season, 8
Arsenic Waltz (Tbe), 54
Artist’s Difficulty (The), 108
Art at a Cattle Show, 10
Arifull 21

Artist and Costumier, 68
Augustus and Cousin Rosa, 212
Awful Warning, 51
Ball (The), 64

Ballet of Action between Sparkles and
his Friend, 132
Battue (The), 24
Beard Movement (The), 206
Cabby and Frenchman, 196
Cabby in a Fix, 40
Cabby Receiving his Proper Fare, 91
Cautious Driver to his Conductor, 243
Chip of the Old Block (A), 114
Clincher (A), 192
Consoling for Consols, 133
Comforter (A), 14

“ConsummationDevoutly to beWisued
(A).” 162

Cool Request (A), 193
Cordial Form of Invitation (A), 100
Country Railway Station, Pious Dis-
trict, 250

Cracker Bon-Bon (The), 31
Diminutive young Swell and Tall young j
Lady, 70

Diner h la Russe, 94
Entertainment for an Organ-Grinding
Ruffian, 11
Fact (A), 236

Fancy Portrait of a Sporting Gentle-
man, 233

Fanny and her Grandma, 20
Fascinating Gent, 71
Frozen-out Mediums, 153
“ Full Inside ! ” 4
Gentleman and Cad, 110
Grandpapa and Johnny, 60
Harry Takes his Cousin to see the
Hounds meet, 84
Honeymoon (The), 232
Host and Guests of the 38th Middlesex,


Hunting Appointment (A), 74
Ingeniously Put, 253
In the Cloak Room of our Club, 28
John Tomkins and ’Arry Bloater, 152
Jones’s Success in Photography, 230
“Lawks. Miss, it’s Beautiful 1” 172
Lesson (The), 30

Little Binks in his Fancy Ball Dress, 81
Mere Trifle (A). 50

Miss Lajeune Enjoying the Breezes ot
Hampsfead, 183
Missus-ism, 48
Mistaken Identity, 58
Monday and Wednesday Organ (The), 88
“ Mossoo goes to the Derby,” 226
Mount in the Midlands, 156
Mr. Stubbs’s Picture at the Academy,


Nervous Old Gent and Marksman, 18
New School (The), 146
No Followers Allowed, 160
Old Mrs. Jamborough and tbe Nasty
Omlibusses, 240
Old School, *0
Our Mess Regulations, 242
“ Patet ars Omnibus,” 200
Percy de Gosling at Brighton, 246
Perhaps the most Impertinent Thing on
Record, 118
Pioneer (The), 173
Pitiable Objects, 61
Playgoer and Boy, 170
Professor Dumsteinkopf Studies Initial
Velocity, 254

Proper Precaution (A), 166
Prudence. 44
Random Hit (A), 216
Returned Artist (The), 101
Rising Generation (The). 34
Sharp Shoeblack (The), 203
Short Cut through the Wood (A), 124
Sketch near Leicester Square (A), 204
Small Boy and Swell on the Ice, 38
Spirit Rapping Seauce ! (A), 130
Stingy Lodger and his Cod Liver Oil, 150
Terrible Threat (A), 252
Tempting. 174
Too Bad, 120
“ Too Bad, Though,” 121
Trifling Chronological Error (A), 163
“ Touching,” 143
“ Tory Party ! (A), 176
Unpardonable Mistake, 213
Unpleasant Travelling, 256
Unsophisticated Uncle and Nephew, 98
Volunteers at Brighton (The), 180, 182
Volunteer’s Threat to his Serjeant, 223
Vulpicide—Base Indeed 1 (The), 104
“ Waiter ! Here’s a Python’s Egg,”^97
“ Wliy don’t you Come to Drill ? ” 78
I Young and Brave, but Mercenary, 111
Worthy the Attention of Polite Young
Swells, 222
Young England, 90
Young Sawbones and his Mother, 4i



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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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H 634-3 Folio






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Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 42.1862, Index, S. 260