Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Cabby (on receipt of his proper fare, Qd.). “Pity it ain’t a bad ’un, and then the
Job ’d a been complete.”



We expect very soon to read in the morning journals
the following extracts from the Moniteur, among—

Reuter’s Telegrams.

Paris. This Day.

Discussions, arrested by interpellations of which the
continuance is admissible in the presence of legislative
necessities, have precipitated the solution of the Roman

The logic of facts demands the adoption of measures
which will have for their object the consolidation of the
Kingdom of Italy on a basis of security to the Holy See.

The populations of the Roman States will be invited to
declare by universal suffrage then- choice between perma-
nence under their existing government, and incorporation
with the Kalian Kingdom.

Should their vote be the preference of continued sub-
jection to existing authority, which claims to dominate
them under divine sanctions by a paternal volition, nego-
tiations will be at once initiated for defining the respec-
tive limits of Italy and the popedom.

If they shall elect solidarity with the Italian people, sti-
pulations will be effected for the formation of arrange-
ments which will assure the independence of the Holy See,
and the stability of the Chair of Peter.

In either case the French troops will immediately evacu-
ate Rome.

The accomplishment of these decisions will terminate
a situation which could not be prolonged without the
negation of just demands, and the disturbance of con-
sciences, continually giving rise to grave complications,
of which it would be difficult to find a pacific solution.

“ Playing with Fire.”

With £600,000,000 worth of property at stake in
London, it does seem to us that our present insufficient
organisation of the Fire Brigade system is (to borrow
the title of Mr. John Brougham’s comedy) literally
Playing with Fire.


My dear Lord Palmerston,

You would oblige me very much by taking the necessary
measures to frustrate the attempt which some blockheads of influential
position are now making to revive the custom of duelling.

But for your judicious bottle-holding we might have just had a gen-
tleman, a statesman, and one of your own principal colleagues, shot by
a member of the Pole’s Brass Band, for calling things and persons by
their right names. Or the gentleman, the statesman, the British
minister, might have had the misfortune to shoot the representative of
absolute Popery; and, such is the respect of the law for even the least
valuable form of human life, have consequently been involved in the
dreadful anxiety of a trial for murder, and even have incurred the
penalty of that crime.

An officer in a crack Dragoon regiment has lately been undergoing a
trial by Court Martial, on a nominal charge which is really neither
more nor less than an indictment for not having fought a duel. The
proceedings in this case have been nearly as long as those in the
VV indham affair— and let me suggest that a commission de lunatico
inquirendo might, with great justice, be issued both on the prosecutors
and the^tribunal, and the corps in question, which appears to be not
only a “ crack,” but also a crazy regiment.

^ A fool has just been shot through the head by another fool near
Strasbourg; as you saw in the Courrier du Bas Rhin. The shot hit
him over the left eye; “ he uttered a piercing cry and fell dead.” But
for yourself, some English solitude might have resounded the other
day with a similar cry—or with an Irish howl.

Circumstances which, of late years, have evoked a martial spirit,
have also in some degree simultaneously evoked or developed the old
evil spirit of ferocious gentlemanlike ruffianism. This is trying hard
to have its way; it would if it could, it will if it can, and it will
place the best and wisest fellow at the mercy of any reckless fool,
blackguard, and bully, who may choose to insult him and put him
under the necessity of defending his honour at the peril of his

Juries have only to refuse to convict duellists indicted for murder, in
order to empower your crack dragoon officers, and your Irish brigadiers,
to restore the code of false chivalry, and enable every fireater amongst
them to present a pistol at the head of the worthiest person, and
demand his honour or his life. The formation of a public opinion in
favour of duelling ought to be checked at once.

I wish you would tell your Attorney-General to bring in a Bill,
rendering the mere act of fighting, or aiding and abetting m, a duel, a
crime punishable by penal servitude, and subjecting any person, sending,
conveying, or accepting, a challenge to a heavy fine, and imprisonment
with hard labour of long continuance, in the House of Correction.

If you have this law made, the result of it will be that gentlemen
betrayed into the use of unjustifiable words will be enabled to apologise
for them with unquestionable credit, whilst snobs who refuse to retract
insolent language will be expelled from Society.

May it please your Lordship to think over the above project of a law
to prevent duelling, respectfully proposed to your consideration by
your Lordship’s almost constant supporter,


Sentiment; or, Lines Written in a Reformatory.

Bill e’s in Quodd and e don’t care;
ioh! i oh!

Bill’s in the Jugg,_got six months there:
ioh ! i oh!

Whilst this ere lock on my art i ’ll wear,

Witchj wen e ad is ed cropt bare,

I got from the Barber as Cut is Air,
i oh! i oh! i oh!


The Pope has been accused more than once of encouraging brigan-
dage. So popular is this belief at Rome that the French soldiers speak
of him, now, with the most familiar contempt, as “ Ce sacre brigand de
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