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Punch — 48.1865

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[January to June, 1865.



1 Punch’s Encyclical Letter.—The Pope had just issued
an address to the priesthood. The Venerable P. Green is
the respected proprietor of Evans’s Supper Rooms, which, much
to Mr. Green’s credit, may be visited by old and young

3 Praise for a Manager.—A certain Actress had appeared
at Astley’s Theatre in Mazeppa, and played a portion of the
part in a most indelicate dress.

17 The Imperial Bullfighter.—The Pope’s Encyclical Letter
of last year having asserted the antiquated claims of the Holy
See to decide on everything ex cathedra, the Minister of
Justice in France therefore declared that certain expressions
contained in the letter were contrary to the laws of the Empire
as well as to the liberties of the Gallican Church. The priest-
hood, of course, resisted the mandate, but ineffectually.

27 The Schoolmaster at Home.—See Essence of Parlia-

31 Mr. Punch’s Handy-Book of the Stage.—The initial
letter is a portrait of the one-legged dancer named Donato.
He proved sufficiently attractive to save the English Opera
Company (Limited) from dissolution in 1865. Donato died at
the close of the year.

31 The Great Mistletoe Question.—Several letters ap-
peared in the Times on localities favourable to the growth of

33 New Book.—The author of the Apologia was Doctor
(now Cardinal) Manning.

37 The Brompton Area-Sneak refers to the proselytism
of a young man by one of the fathers of the Oratory.

42 A Limb of the Law.—An action was brought for breach
of engagement against Donato, the one-legged dancer. See
Note to page 3.

49 Literary Paradox.—The last chapters of Quite Alone
were written by another hand during Mr. Sala’s unavoidable
absence from England, and without his oonsent.

52 Beef at 3d. per lb.—An attempt was made to introduce
an article of consumption called Jerked (or charqued) Reef from
South America. Public prejudice, however, rejected a whole-
some and cheap addition to the poor man’s larder.

57 Back to School.— Mr. Gladstone was solicited to give
a portion of his anticipated surplus to the reduction of the
Malt-Tax, Fire Assurance, &c., by the representatives of
various interests.

60 “ As the old Cock crows, the young Cock learns.”—

Lord Amberley, the son of Earl Russell, had come out at
Leeds as a candidate for a seat in Parliament. He made a
crude, democratic speech, and was well snubbed for his indis-

65 A Clerical Error.—Dr. Tait, Bishop of London.

65 The Political Career of the Right Honourable B.
Disraeli.—See Note to p. 25, Vol. XLVIT.

74 The Davenports Undone.—For an account of these im-
postors see Note to p. 189, Vol. XLVII.

79 The Agricultural Jeremy Diddler.— See Essence of

83 Delightful Ignorance.—Lumps of Delight—an eastern
condiment, made of prepared gum and sugar.


A Trifle from Sutherlandshire.—The Duke of Suther- 83
land is well xnown as an amateur firemen.

Elegy on the Porpoise.—A porpoise at the Zoological 84
Gardens had been a great attraction.

Porculus Marinus Loquitur.—See Note to p. 84, 85

The Faith as it is in Westbury.—See the Chancellor’s 95
Judgment in »he case of Essays and Reviews, 1864.

Nullus aut Caesar.—Refers to the Life of Ctesar, by 99
Louis Napoleon, and wherein the Imperial author strives to
blow his great Uncle into undue proportions.

The Duke’s Motto.—See preceding Note, p. 83. 104

The Tormented Minister refers to the opening of the 109
Indian Telegraph.

Amended Maxim for the Iron Districts.—The men 114

were “ out on strike.”

Vulcan in the Sulks.—See preceding note. 119

Big and Little Bethells.—The Big and Little Bethell 123
scandals subsequently led to Lord Westbury’s resignation of
the Great Seal.

Arbitration better than Emigration.—The strike in the 141

“ Strengthening the Bill.”—Belphegor the Mounte- 163
hank, had been produced at the Lyceum, Mr. Fechter, the
manager, announcing that to strengthen the cast, his own
son would appear. The analogy between that circumstance
and Lord Amberley’s appearance at Leeds is shown in the

Song to be Sung on entering a Cheap Dining- 192
room.—Cheap dining-rooms have been long named “ Slap
Bangs,” from the manner in which the carvers at those places
dash the viands on the plates. A vulgar fellow was singing a
song with the burden quoted, and the trash became popular.

Bismarck on the Prussian Navy.—Prussia had taken 208
j possession of Kiel—a port.

“Out of the Parish.”—See Essence of Parliament. 213

Dizzy’s K’rect Card for the “ Derby” (?)—Mr. Dis- 225
raeli had been taking the Church of England under his
patronage. See Essence of Parliament.

Whist in St. James’s.—See opposite page, “ Charity at 228

“ Strict Discipline.”—The Emperor of the French, 235
during a visit to Algeria, had appointed the Empress Regent,
and the Prince Napoleon Vice-President of the Privy Council.
Plon-Plon made a most injudicious speech at Ajaccio, on the
occasion of the inauguration of a monument erected to Napo-
leon I., and received a sharp letter of remonstrance from his
cousin Louis in consequence. See Introduction

“ Le Chant de Ti'iomphe.”—The winner of the Derby 239
of 1865, was Gladiateur, a French horse.

“ Feeling their Feet.”—Mr. Gladstone had recently 245
introduced his son to the Electors at Chester; and see Note to

p. 60.

War-Song of the Westminster Doctor.—The medical 260
profession in Westminster had declared against Lord Gros-
venor because he was a Homoeopath.
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