Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 102.1892

DOI Heft:
February 13, 1892
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' PLEASING THE PIGS ! " (From a Private and Confidential Report.)

Mr. Chaplin received a ^jrrv in full swing — if you can
deputation on the subject of f~- f^Sh imagine a pig in a swing—of
the Swine-fever last week. r*t VKi swine-fever; and the fifth
True to his dramatic instincts £w=| ,Amf and 1ulte tne smallest pig of
as regards the fitness of things, I^aJ&l tne lot' a mere suckmg"
the Minister for Agriculture went/wheeze,wheeze,wheeze!'
was, on this occasion, wearing J fe=ll!g*§§|| ^^^^IiWfn\ and 'wheezes'were always a
a Sow-wester. He regretted /Ji!l^^pS^v fW/J^^^lUHjHhs very ba(i sign* ^ propos of
that he was unable to don a f^^p^l^^fex^<fflL c-Q? ■[i/l/tW/fiX signs'I have little doubt but
pig-tail, which, as the repre- V (y^^^lSM^^^ that the well-known sign of the
sentative of the Fine OldEng- i^s^^^^^nT^M^^ 'Pig and Whistle' Ascends
lish Gentleman of years gone \V /M A -^^mn^ ^'^^^^m^l u& to us *rom ancient times of
by, he should much like to do, Jfh ,,W% ^^^^fJ^^l^^^^^^m Influenza. He trusted that
but it was a fashion with the / ?yA v_?f M <^§Mmk the whole pig-family would
pig-wigs of the last century < < '^^MllJil^^^^m^ Tjj'X^^l^^^^i^^ f»oon be pigging up again."
which he hoped to see revived > ^ ^|l$i»^^pU ^lllliPslill The Right Hon. Gentleman
as " a tail of old times." It 7 W^^l^p ^^^Pft^V '-' '^SM^^^v finished by apologising for not
was belter, far better to be MlLUA* vfPssf[( uSL - IB Tjj^lflsSk bems' able to qilote anything
pig-tailed as were their great >,IWf ' c-r^\\^^^^^^^^M tS^^^^ Ml /AW?^<^k apposite from the works of
grandfathers, than to be pig- I f vWVY* -^^^^W\ IllPllls- 11/ZfilPPIlll cither the philosophic Bacon,
headed as were so many '// / ^jllll l^t^^lP IBiyP^ ' W/zw'P^^^lm the Ettrick Shepherd Hogg, or
people with pig-culiar notions, I I ¥% ^^^^g^p |H| \\\fw/jf^*tllils the poetic Suckling, his motto
specially in Scotland. // j v, J^^Piil for the present being " ^or/rer
" I am doing and have been /. => ^^^^^^§j^wMm\ ^ ' MliArA ^illllll verba" and he had to issue
doing," said the Ministering //// _]0 ,—"^^^P^^^^Sfraffl 5§|i :\lAr/'^IllllPl a Circular about the cattle who
Chaplin", "my very best to i ! ^^^^MWmML ^^IPL- w'iff//'were all going wrong,
please the pigs, but there are V j \k a -v^ \M WmW^^^m^ ^f/A/r^^^^M^ The Deputation thanked Mr.
some pigs that won't be pleased \ ''^^^^^^^MmWy^^^Wm^^^^ l/^/l^^^^^^ Chaplin, and unanimously
when they find that every- , ^^^^^^^^^^j^^jf^^^ fflL'^lJi VAw^l^^^^^' expressed their opinion, that
thing is not going to be done j | y0^^Mm^Wl ifsf^^^^^' where pigs were concerned, the
for them gratis. You may A || cjM/////3(^^^^ Minister should have his stye-
take this for gruntfd,—I (\ s|| v ' ■- pend increased. Noticing that
should say granted. Now let \ £=§P i, ^ ( W^-^B^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chaplin had risen from
me give you an illustration. / yAjPn V n^s cna,ir' and had assumed a
There were five pigs belonging ( s===\ 1=^=-~. // 1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" threatening attitude, the De

to a well-known littery family. \ ^^^^ $SN= ' IP^PPffSlll?^ putation hurriedly thanked the

The first pig went to market N^H \ ^^^^^^m^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^$$^<-^^ . Minister of Agriculture, and

but no one would purchase ^HSs\ f , ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - speedily withdrew,

him, the second pig stayed at

home (not feeling well), the ^^-f^^^^^^^K -^^JiMS^Sff^^'—' Answer to the Riddle in

third pig had pleuro - pneu- ■/•*. . ^ I,ast AYeek's Number.- -

monia, and the fourth pig was ^^^^Sff^ << ^re + ^ — Mitre."

Born, June 19, 1834. Died, Jan. 31, 1892.

Sturdy saint-militant, stout, genial soul,
Through good and ill report you've reached
the goal

Gf all brave effort, and attained that light
Which makes our clearest noontide seem as

How much 'twill show us all! "We boast our

Of spiritual sense, but mutual charity
Is still our nearest need when faith grows fierce
And even hope earth's mists can hardly pierce.
You were much loved; you spake a potent

word [heard
In the world's ear, and listening thousands
With joy that clear and confident appeal.
The lingering doubts finer-strung spirits feel,
The sensitive shrinkings from familiar touch
Of the high mysteries, moved you not. Of


The great throng-stirrers! And you stirred
the throng [strong;

Who felt you honest and who knew you
Racy of homely earth, yet spirit-fired
With all their higher moods felt, loved, de-
Puritan, yet of no ascetic strain [sired.
Or arid straitness, freshening as the rain
And healthy as the clod; a native force
Incult yet quickening, cleaving its straight
course [end.
Unchecked, unchastened, conquering to the
Crudeness may chill, and confidence offend,
But manhood, mother wit, and selfless zeal,


(The Raymarket Hamlet as he is and ought to be.)

Mr. H. Kemble. " My dear Tree, I ought to
have played Hamlet. First, my name—Kemble.
Seconal}-, Shakspeare's authority—' Oh, that this

v. 1 ' ' v It jI ' semess zed,i, too too a6M fiesh would mdt , and t , Fat and
opeeen clear as light, and courage true as steel j scant 0f breath'' "
Must win the many. Honest soul and brave, j Mr. B. Tree'. " All right, my dear Kemble.
I he greatest drop their garlands on your Quite true what you say; and, any night I am
grave . unable to play, you shall be my double !''

{By an M.P. of a Retiring Nature.

The Whip, he writes to me to-day,
Not, as his wont, in tones pacific,

But in the very strongest way,
And using language quite terrific.

He hopes to see me in my place,
xlnd woe betide the sad seceder,

Whose absence helps to throw disgrace
Both on his Party and his Leader.

I throw my hat up to the sky.

At taunts of treason or defection
I flip my fingers. What care I ?

For I do not seek re-election !

"This Indenture Witnesseth."—Ac-
cording to the Times of Eriday last, Febru-
ary 5, Cardinal Manning died practically a
pauper. He had given everything away in
charity. He was a " Prince of the Church,"
and his gifts to others were, indeed, princely.
In the wills and deeds of how many of our
Yery Reverend and Right Reverend Lord-
ships shall we find nothing gathered up and
bequeathed of the loaves and fishes which
have fallen to their share ? Such a testament
as the Cardinal's would be in quite a New
Testamentary spirit.

Foreign and Home News.—" The Prussian
Education Bill," remarked an elderly bache-
lor to Mr. Peter Familtas, "is a very im-
portant matter; because you see-"

" Hang the Prussian Education Bill! " in-
terrupted Peter F., testily. "You should
see the English Education Bill I've had for
my boy's schooling last half ! "

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