Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch / Almanack — 1845

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ftift ,jVIf.sses. Stuegb decline tub balk op malting OARiBi, being
O JVL 1 trienda to the weak and the sick but not to the stout and halt. (Ale.)
, Vp Extraordinary Foo. To-day a tremendous fos visited Fieet St. It
4d iU. was, however, confined to the city, beius too thick to get through
*-'-\xr Temple Bar.

O VV .The Queen and Pbince Albert subscribe jKidft to pu
r* fp . houses. A nice bit of " Windsor soap " tor the people.

v 'H St. IconatJ.

/ Jl? [POSTING-BILLS ILLEGALLY FIXED 0> TliE wellington statue.

Shame to stick an old soldier who never stack at anything!

A coloured sketch of THE opening of tiik exchange exhibited

n -jj at Mb,. Moon's. Coloured I very strange, this print seller's desipnsl^. . ^
U\£Q £,uni,an [being generally so veryj>feitH.lj/4|M

10 M yesterday lobd mayor'S Day. GlBBS brawn to guildhall bt


17 M

21 jF

I 1 Ttt bix horses. Six horses ! Much better had he posted the pony.

II St. JBattin.

12 a lady complains in the papers of the ruffianly conduct of

1 \ certain helical students at tub london university. Such

j 3'Th <£t BrtttUB [students " when taken to be well shaken."


14 F i^IGNS 0F a severe winter. A Correspondent states that yesterday

he positively saw hall a ton of coats and six bundles of wood delivered:,

15 S Igt. HJartlUtUS. [atth,British and Foreign In5titute.||30


smith's DlnriLLEAt found to havh illicit fipkh un d (tR-gk o'/[* d.

The excise officer? " call spirits from the vasty deep, and they come.
A carwo of American candles imported. When will Pennsylvania
send her composition—and how mucli to the pound?

Alarming panic in tub Citi. Lord Mayor Gibb* has announced his
tention at the next vacancy to put up tor the Governorship of the

[Bank of Lnglaini,


Sir James Graham recommends the abolition of the evening
BXTTTIPas at tiik Olu Bailey, that criminals may not be sent across
[the sea while their judges are " half-seas over."

£t. aratfjerfne.

Chinese granite offered for bale at Liverpool. The masous

of Englnud invited to a tougli "Chinese chop.
Instinct of Rats. Sir Robert Peel sets a trap for Brougham, who

smells the salary, and declares it is not quite " the cheese."
Seventy fages of the "Gazette" filled by railway notices.

Ah ! seventy pages to carry the railway trains.
Cool Impudence. Yesterday an indiv dual of dishing exterior pre-
nted a shilling to the toll-keeper of Waterloo Bridge, and sarcasti-
cally demanded change.


take a pair of mustachios, an imperial and eye glass ; add

The flower of the £ — C"3 h blue satin scarf, with a gold pin like a beadle's staff, braided

To prevent the intn ^—£9 I ;S011 waistcoat, ladies* boots, canary, kids, a tremendous

of paper to the lett — ~ h Jid a very small riding-whip Tut these together on a block;

except on business.* = "^"^ I to liegent Street about three o'clock; and you will have

', £^ ^ i in making a perfect Guy.

Now convert old — ^ q ^ important to bobrowbrs.

lay in small talk foi_ "^2 I SCI!t quotations in the money market for a s£hQ bill, are ^10

Polka with arm-cha — - ^ -J; ,n ■ and the rest in good cholera Cape. The advantages of this.

horses, and sawingi [J ■ :, you can have your bill discounted by the father, be sued

jokes for quadrilles. —. \J h t, arrested by the uncle, sold up by the nephew, and locked j

and flour your Posti—_cp _ ■ ■ jponging-house by the first cousin.

to toast"The Lad: — iedical

when your '1 health —^ ■ ^ ^ cm <f. a yonna,s%op her salary, or put

Get a head oflong = Jl> C CM ■ >caUst in her part.

— LO

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