Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Introduction .......•••• xl

Abbreviations.........• xxi

The Lycos Valley ......... i

§ 1. The Gate of Phrygia p. I. § 2. Scenery of the Lycos Valley p. 3. § 3.
Tho Two Valleys p. 4. § 4. Ethnology p. 6. § 5. Primitive History and
Roligion p. 7. § 6. Greek Influence and Colonies p. 9. ' § 7. The Roman
and Byzantine Periods p. 11. §8. The Turkish Conquest 1071-1118 p. 15.
§9. Tho Turkish Conquest 1118-1178 p. 18. §10. The Turkish Conquest
1178-1210 p. 22. § 11. The Turkish Conquest 1210-1306 p. 24. § 12. The
Triumph of Mohammedanism p. 25. § 13. Modern and Ancient Anatolia
p. 28.


Laodiceia: the Graeco-Boman City......32

§ 1. Foundation, People, Religion p. 32. § 2. Situation and Territory p. 35.
§ 3. History, Trade, Finance p. 37. § 4. Woollen Manufactures p. 40. § 5.
The Zenonid Family p. 42. §6. The Public Buildings, (a) Stadium Amphi-
theatrum p. 47. (b) Gymnasium p. 47. (c) Water-Supply p. 48. (d) Walls
p. 49. (e) Theatres p. 49. (f) Temples p. 49. (g) Statues p. 50. §7. Cultus.
(a) Zeus Laodicenus p. 51. (b) The Goddess p. 51. (c) Asklepios p. 52
(d) Apollo p. 53. § 8. Imperial Cultus p. 53. § 9. Coronatus, Stephano
phoros p. 55. § 10. Tho Neokorate p. 58. § 11. Tribes and Demos p. 60,
§ 12. Senate p. 60. § 13. Dekaprotoi p. 63. § 14. Gerousia and Neoi p. 64.
§ 15. Magistrates p. 64. § 16. Official Dress p. 65. § 17. Archons, Gram,
matous p. 66. § 18. Strategoi p. 67. § 19. Agoranomos p. 70. §20. Other
Municipal Officials p. 70. § 21. Imperial Officials p. 70. § 22. Poregrini
p. 71.

Appendices: I. Inscriptions p. 72. II. Bishops p. 7S. III. Phrygia
Pacatiana p. 80.


Hierapolis : the Holy City . . . . . . . .84

§ 1. Situation and Origin p. S4. § 2. Religious Character p. 85. § 3. Mother
Leto p. 89. § 4. Leto and Kora p. 91. § 5. The God p. 93. § 0. Matri-
archal System p. 94. § 7. The Brotherhood p. 96. § S. Religion of Burial