Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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§ 1. Situation and Origin p. 84. § 2. Religious Character p. 85. § 3. Mother
Leto p. 89. § 4. Leto and Kora p. 91. § 5. The God p. 93. § 6. Matriarchal
System p. 94. § 7. The Brotherhood p. 96. § 8. Religion of Burial p. 98. § 9.
The God as Ruler and Healer p. 101. § 10. Trade-Guilds p. 105. § 11. History
p. 107. § 12. Magistrates and Municipal Institutions p. 109. § 13. The Gerousia
p. no.

Appendices : I. Inscriptions p. 115. II. Bishops p. 120. III. Phrygia Hiera-
politana p. 121.

§ 1. Situation and Okigin. Facing Laodiceia at a distance of six
miles to the north was the 'Holy City,' Hiera Polis, situated on
a shelf, about 1,100 feet above the sea and 150-300 above the plain,
close under the mountains that bound the Lycos valley on the
north-east; and twelve miles north-west of Hierapolis, on the west
bank of the Maeander, three miles above its junction with the Lycos,
was Tripolis, founded by the Pergamenian kings to counterbalance the
Seleucid proclivities of Laodiceia. Hierapolis, in contrast to these
two Greek cities, which lay one on each side of it, was the centre of
native feeling and Phrygian nationality in the valley; and the
character of the three cities, each representing a different influence,
makes them a representation in miniature of the development of
Phrygia throughout the many centuries during which European in-
fluence struggled to conquer and hold Phrygia. But, of the three,
Hierapolis is best calculated to show us what the Phrygian spirit
became under the influence of Greek literature and Eoman organiza-
tion. Addend. 28.

Lydia, Phrygia, and Caria met in the Lycos valley. Strabo p. 629

1 Dr. C. Humann told me that a party future time, when they are published,

directed by him explored Hierapolis Mr. Hogarth's article on ' The Gerousia

carefully in 1887 (some months after of Hierapolis' in Journal of Philology

my last visit) and copied over 300 in- XIX p. 69 f is referred to in this chapter

scriptions. These are certain to add as ' Hogarth p. — .'
much' additional knowledge at some