Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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(Most of the authors quoted are indicated clearly enough in the text.)

AA SS = Acta Sanctorum.

AE Mit. = Archaologisch-Epigraphische Mitfheilungen aus Oesterreich-Ungarn.

AHS = A. H. Smith Notes on a Tour in Asia Minor in Journal of Hellenic Studies

1887 p. 220.
ASP = Antiquities of Southern Phrygia &c, W. M. Ramsay, in American Journal of

Archaeology Vol. Ill 3, 4. (This paper is for the most part worked up in

the present volume.)

Ath. Mitth. = Mittheilungen cles kais. d. archaolog. Institute, Athenische Abtheilung.

Berl. Ahhandl. (Monatsb., Sitz.) = Abluindlungen (Monatsberichte, Sitzungsberichte)
of the Royal Academy of Berlin.

BCH = Bidletin de Correspondance Hellenique.

Br Mus or BM = Ancient Greek Inscriptions of the British Museum.

CB = Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, W. M. Ramsay, in Journal of Hellenic Studies
Vols. IV and VIII. (This paper is intended to be entirely worked up in
this and succeeding volumes.)

CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum.

OIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.

Ch. in R. Emp. = Tixe Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170, W. M. Ramsay.

Dig. = Digesta Justiniani Augusti, ed. Mommsen & Krueger.

Poucart = Associations Religieuses chez les Grecs, P. Poucart.

Haase = Article Phrygien in Ersch & Gruber's Encyclopaedic

Head = Historia Numorum, B. V. Head.

Hicks = Introduction to his edition of the Inscriptions of Ephesos [Br. Mus. III).

Hirschfeld = VorlHufiger Reisebericht in Berl. Monatsb. 1879 (the only published

account of his journey in 1871).
Hist. Geogr. = Historical Geography of Asia Minor, W. M. Ramsay, being Vol. IV

of Supplementary Papers of the Royal Geographical Society.

Hogarth = in Ch. Ill his article in Journal of Philology XIX p. 69 f, in Ch. IV his
article in JHS VIII p. 376 f.