Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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tov [totw]v irapa tov b~qp.ov [Kayv]eTTeos • ev a> Kf\bevo-ere be 6 'ApTefxoov Ka[l
fj yvv]rj avrov Xpu<707r[oXi]s1 ' erepui be p.r)bevl e[£ecr]rai irapa ra yeypap.p\eva\
el be tls eiriKrjbev(re[L, 6]r)o-ei r<3 tepcorara) ra[p.]i(o bpa^pids /3(p'- rovrov to
avTLypacpov direTedr] Is ra dpxeta. The grammar, Xafiwv for Xafiovros, is
not good. The strange name Kagyetta is assured by these two inscrip-
tions : -etta occurs as an ending in many Anatolian names, and the stem
Kayv is analogous to Kabv (Kadyanda, KaboFoi, Kadys, &c). The name
Iollas is remarkably common in this district, nos. 30, 31. Kagyetta
must have been situated at Develar.

64. (R. 1887.: see Hogarth p. 399). Kabalar: copied after sunset in
a courtyard, amid strenuous opposition and threats of violence (see JHS
1887 p. 399). The stone is of the same class as nos. 30, 31, but much
ruder, and the letters coarser. 1. [rj SaXovSeW k]cu MrjXonooprjT&v (ppdrpa
ave6r]Kev. 2. [AitoX]Xa)Vibr]V Mayabos2 r\yep\6ves MrjXoKcopLrjr[S>v erCp,iio-a]v
2ap/3aXa£ ITHN ~2aXovbia Nikguod 'AfpijariSou. 3. [e\Tnp,eXr](Tap.evov 'AttoX-

Xutvtbov rov 'ATroXXovlbov ro[v lepecos ?] Mr]X[o]Kwp,rirov' Ka[.....]v 1S,aXov-

b[(a>]v • SaXouSets • SaXovbels. 4. 'AXe£avbpos 'AiroXXoavibov M?jXo/<a)p.?;[T?js'].
'ArraXiaw 'Apeibov M?;XoKa>p.7;r?7y. MrjvocpiXos MrjvocpiXov. YIea[]vearr]s3
5' Mr]XoK(DixrjTr]s. 'ArreXXib^s 2ap/3aXa€ I SaXovbevs. 'Pvpavbpos <Pv[pdvb]pov
2aXov[bevs\. 5- 'AiroX]\oi»t87js [Ao]vXi\i<nv [2aXo]vbevs. 'ATroXXwyftoy] MaKpv
ITaT7a8e[- •] AiW 'SaXovbevs. TpauXos Taiov 'EaXovbevs. I have improved
the text a little since I first published it; but the irregularity and
rudeness of the letters leave many uncertainties. There is a relief
representing Cybele sitting between her lions; and numerous portraits
of the persons are carved over the stone. The village-names Melokome
and Salouda are the chief gains from this text. The association of the
two neighbouring villages in a religious union ((ppdrpa) is also an
interesting point. Salouda was probably at Kabalar, and Melokome
near it. If the name did not occur so frequently, we should be inclined
to conjecture Menokome for Melokome in this badly-engraved text,
copied hurriedly. Does dveO-qnev or eup/cray govern 'A-noXXu>vibrjv ?

6$. (R. 1883). Kabalar. Mrjrpl SaXo-aXovbrjiif) Tiros <J>Xa/3is 'Erracppo-
beiros ei£dp.evos dveOrjKa. The goddess here mentioned is the one repre-
sented in the relief on the preceding. It is possible that the first syllable
of the ethnic is an accidental dittography (giving the name Salouda);

1 The name occurs also in CIG 6816. whether this is a new person or an

2 MaaaSos (cp. no. 190) was not on epithet.

the stone. 4 Perhaps there is a dittography :

s Or IIf[. .]n[d'"''/s : it is doubtful ncmaSnoc (cutting out 8e[t]).