Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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such an important point, or did Fabius modify the Asian year to suit the
local usag-e J ?

(4) Dios had 31 days 2, which suits either view; and moreover it is
more probable that the inscription lies beyond the sphere of the Lydo-
Phrygian era.

(5) 6 Daisios was styled Sebaste (Wadd. 1676), i.e. it was a feast day
of Augustus. This suits either view: in the usual view it is 28 April;
on which day Augustus dedicated the Temple of Peace : in the latter it is
6 March, when Augustus assumed the title Pontifex Maximus. Both are
holidays in the Calendar.

(6) Daisios had at least 30 days, which suits either view 3.

(7) Hyperberetaios had at least 30 days, which suits either view Mows.
Sm. no. tl('.

I am not insisting on a theory; but quoting facts, which must be
explained before we can say that the subject is fully understood. It is
important that in this obscure subject every step should be carefully
scrutinized, and nothing should be assumed.



In my Historical Geography, it is argued that numerous difficulties in
Hierocles's lists are easily explicable on the supposition (advanced by
Wesseling, and rejected by all recent scholars) that he founded his work
on a list of bishoprics, which he adapted freely for his own special
purpose. My chief line of argument was that many of the cities which
he omits are such as would also be omitted in a list of bishoprics.
I found in Lydia an exception, and concluded that in this province ' the
connexion between Hierocles and the ecclesiastical lists is not nearly
so close, if it does exist, as in Asia.' Hierocles omits Sala, Blaundos,
Stratonicea, Daldis, and Hyrkanoi; and I erred in attempting to explain
the omission as due to a fault in MSS. I shall now show ground
for thinking that some at least of these five were likely to be omitted

1 If there is an error, it is more intel- pi(v"s) ^ov Ma'-

ligible on the supposition that the 3 See the much-discussed inscription

engraver put numbers which he was of Eoloe, found in Kara-Tash district,

familiar with in local usage. If there and now in Koula. Wagener read A

is no error, then there must be some (first day); but I copied the text in 1881

reason for varying from the regular and again in 1884 (investigating this

Asian year. point carefully), and A also is rightly

2 See BCH 1887 p. 472, where a read in Mous. Sm. no. av£. Perhaps (6)
slight correction is needed : read and (7) are outside the Sullan area.