Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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§ 1. Situation and Scenery p. 235. § 2. Lounda p. 237. § 3. Peltai p. 239.
§ 4. Attanassos p. 241. § 5. Pepouza p. 243.

Appendices : I. Inscriptions p. 245. II. Krassos of Phrygia p. 247. III. Bishops
p. 249.

§ 1. Situation and Sgeneey. A level plain, 35 miles (English) or
more in length and 6 or 7 in breadth, extends from Ak-Dagh and
Eumeneia (Ishekli) towards the S.W., terminated by the rim of the
plateau above the Colossian glen. The level varies little ; at the N.W.
end it is about 2,750 ft. at the edges, and 2,710 in the middle ; towards
the S.W. end it is about 2,950 or 3,000. The mountain ridge that over-
hangs Colossai rises more sharply from the plain than is usual along
the outer edge of the central plateau, and reaches the height of 1,000
to 1,500 ft. above the valley. This is the plain of Eumeneia or Peltai;
and the S.W. part is the territory of Lounda. The Siblian plain is an
extension of it to S.E.; and the Maeander flows along it after passing"
Siblia. As one approaches from the west, the most striking feature in
the view is the huge mass of limestone, called Ak-Dagh, which closes
in the valley N.E., dividing the Maeander valley from that of its
tributary the Glaukos (Sanduklu-Ova)1. It is about 8,000 ft. in
height2, and snow lies on it late in the summer. The river Glaukos
enters the valley at its northern apex, forcing its way by a rough gap
between Ak-Dagh and Burgas-Dagh (about 6,000 ft.); the latter
runs S. to N., bounding the Banaz-Ova on the east. As the Maeander
flows along the valley it has on the left a triangular plateau (Ch. VI
§ 7), which rises on the west side to the ridge of Besh-Parrnak (Ch. V

1 Seen from the west, it appears a 2 Ak-Dagh, the peak towards Ishekli,

single mountain ; but from the east it is 8,186 ft., behind it towards S.E. lies

is seen to have two distinct summits the other, Kara Dagh or Khoma Dagh,

separated by a deep gap. The Glaukos 7,743 ft-
flows round three sides of it.