Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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connected politically with Cibyra), and the local contractor. The con-
nexion with Cibyra (as head of the conventus) implies that Lagbe was in
Asia, and not in Galatia or Pamphylia : so Aigai paid fines at Pergamos
as head of convenlus BCH 1887 p. 395. The local contractor (cp. d Kara
ronov Trjpy]Trj's = Wadd. 1680, 6 To-nor-qpt^Tris) occupies as prominent and
influential a position here as at Tefeni (Ch. IX § 3) and must be of the
same character, i. e. lie is the conductor of an imperial estate \ Lagbe
& polls striking coins (Wadd. 1211) adjoined a large imperial estate, and
doubtless its rich citizens acted as contractors. The restoration is from
no. 193.

193. (R. 1884). Published differently by A. H. Smith, no. 34, and
Benndorf Lylcia II no. 205. The text is engraved on a sarcophagus cut
in the rock.

"Etovs as'- Avp. Ke[vbeas1 father's name and ethnic] (a.d. 241-2)

KarecrJKevao-e Ti]V o-(x>p.aTo6iJKr]v eauriS]
/cai rrj \yvvaiKi avrov ,Ap.p.iq1, aAAco be ov]bevl e£ov
lorot eiTia-[<pepeiv TTT&p.a, eiret evo\os e^arai 6 eTrifoe^ptflcras 2
7"<2 i-p-yin to[vt(j> rvp.l3wpvx_t.ci, koX baxrei tu p.]ev Upcorarco
rjafxeuo fopy. [3(f) [koi t?i Ki/BvparSiv iroka bipj. a]<p' /cat tc3 [/cjarfd

tott]ov p.i(rda>Tfj

t]ov \oipiov br)v. <p .

e]l be tl j3ovkeva[ai,

rav]ra en (5>v e-niypa^u).

In 11. 4, 5, the meaning seems to be ' he who lays hand on the monu-
ment 3 shall be liable in a charge of tomb-violation.'' There was evidently
a regular legal procedure in cases of this kind.

194. A dedication Scofozm ev\vv 4, a curse that the violator of the
tomb evo%os e<rrai -rracn deols (ecu ~S,e\rjvij koX A?/no (Ch. Ill § 3, and
no. 95), the names Ouoouas, Pinte, Arapeia, Galatea, at and near
Manai, are given in Benndorf Lt/Icia II p. 166 (nos. 196, 193, 194, 195,

200, 202).

1 This opinion, expressed Mist. Geogr. 4 By its situation and surroundings
p. 176, was wrongly retracted in an ill- this is marked as a sepulchral moan-
considered and hasty addendum, ib. p. 15. ment. The erection of the grave is an

2 This word is doubtful. Benndorf's act of homage to the Saviour-God ; and
(ni[<r<l>epa]v does not suit the remains, the same god is appealed to under the
I devoted the greatest care to copying name Helios to be the guardian of the
this inscription and measuring the gaps. tomb (no. 95). See Addenda 24 for

3 Or possibly 'sets his hand to the examples from north Phrygia.
