Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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in the one case seems to be the uncle of the other. There was therefore
at Buldur a family of stone-cutters, who supplied the district round ; we
may therefore take it to have been an important centre for the lake-country
(just as we found that Alastos sent an artist to Kolbasa, no. 189).

5. Kormasa.

187. (R. 1884). Geulde. 'Eppfjs Aovklov [t]tJ aftjaofrjoS1 yvvaiKi zee
'Eppfj v(S irpopoipui (Wo-rrjere pvi'jprj? yapiv' el pev tSta poipr], &<pihev, el be
Xep[o"]t bcokoiToiois (sic !), "H/Ue, j3Xiire. Geulde is a tchiflik, close to
Giaour-Euren, the site of Kolbasa.

188. (R. 1884: A. H. Smith 43). Giaour-Euren. Mevavbpos Tpmkov
Ukovrwvi km Ko'p?/ evxyv en tu>v Ihiwv aveO-qne. This is the dedication of
a heroon, which here takes the form of a dedication to the gods of the
world of death (9eol Karaxdovioi), with whom the dead in the tombs are
conceived as identified. The dead have returned to their mother, the
supreme g'oddess. The names and the form are grecized ; and hence the
mother-goddess is omitted. But there is every probability that the divine
triad of no. 177 represents the full Phrygian idea which here appears as
a dyad. Addend. 24.

Five other epitaphs of Kolbasa copied by us in 1884, see A. H. Smith
44, 45 and ASP p. 45. They contain the names Amma and Ma,
011a, Termilas, Menneas, Attalos, Solon, Mamas, Rodon, Menandros,
Kokaivos (nom. or gen. ?), &c.

189. (R. 1884). At Giaour-Euren. Ne'cov Kopwvos • • • pukov koX
"Appav rp)z>] yvvaiKa avrov Kal [avrbv] £«3j>' avea-rrjaav ra reKva avr&v pvrjpris
'evetcev 2. Kopmv AAacrre'o? fipyaaero.

The first /cat seems to be a mistake of the engraver. Omit it or trans-
pose it after ^cojv and the sense is ' Neon (set up) his wife and himself in
his lifetime ; and their children set up (the same persons).'

'Akaareos seems to be a provincialism for 'Akaarevs, compare <tkvt<=os
for (TKVTevs in St. 41 A %o (see p. 314). When coupled with the artist's
name, the word must be taken in this sense and not as a peculiar gen.
of an otherwise unknown personal name Alastes.

390-195 are placed at the end of Ch. VIII App. I.

1 My copy has rHAAOTTOY, and name; names taken from Epic poetry
the correction is uncertain. The letters or legend are not rare, Tydeus 186,
are faint and barely legible. Laomedon and Iphianassa 34, Achilleus

2 Perhaps ['Ayxijpokov, a Homeric 179, Idomeneus 59, Midas 99, 184, &c.

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