Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ramsay, William Mitchell
The cities and bishoprics of Phrygia: being an essay of the local history of Phrygia from the earliest time to the Turkish conquest (Band 1,2): West and West-Central Phrygia — Oxford, 1897

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Bock Sculpture near Eumeneia (drawing after Mrs. Ramsay's

photograph) . . . . . . . . . .361

The Hot-Springs at Apameia (photograph by Mrs. Ramsay) .. . 403
Early Christian Monogram )j( at Eumeneia . . . .527

Early Christian Tombstone at Eumeneia.....531

Symbol of the Vase on a Christian Tombstone at Apameia . 534
Symbol of the Palm-branch on a Christian Tombstone at Siblia 540
Symbol of the Fish at Lounda . . . . . 541

Relief at Akmonia (from Hamilton) . . .. . . .626

Tombstone of Door-type at Akmonia (A. C. Blunt) . . .628
Tombstone of Door-type near Diokleia . . . . .661

Door of Temple at Brouzos (A. C. Blunt) .... 684, 685

Artemis: Statuette from Cyprus (from Arch. Ztg. 1880) . . 692
Artemis : enlarged from Coin of Eukarpia (from Arch. Ztg.) . 692
Tombstone of Door-type at Brouzos (A. C. Blunt) . . . 701
Symbol of Palmettes on a Christian Tombstone of Stektorion . 719
Tombstone of Alexander of Hieropolis . . • ■ 721

Palms and Crosses on a Christian Relief at Brouzos . . 735
Representation of Christ on a Tombstone at Prymnessos facing p. 736
Representation of Christ on a Rock at the Dokimian Marble

Quarries .......... 745

Seyen-branched Candlestick on a Stone at Dokimion . . . 746
Plates of Phrygian Coins, I and II.....at end

Map of the Upper Maeander Valley .... facing p. 353
Plan of Apameia and Neighbourhood. ... ,, 397

General Map ....... in pocket at end of Volume