Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ramsay, William Mitchell
The cities and bishoprics of Phrygia: being an essay of the local history of Phrygia from the earliest time to the Turkish conquest (Band 1,2): West and West-Central Phrygia — Oxford, 1897

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Imhoof GM = Griechische Munzen, F. Imhoof-Blumer, in Abhandlungen der Bayer.
Akademie der Wissenschaften (I CI.) Vol. XVIII.

Imhoof MG- = Mommies Grecques, F. Imhoof-Blumer.

JHS = Journal of Hellenic Studies.

Inscr. refers to the numbered inscriptions quoted in the Appendices of this book.

Kaibel = Inscriptiones Graecae, Siciliae et Itcdiae, &c.

Kaibel Ep. e Lapp. = Epigrammata Graeca e Lapidibus conlecta 1878.

Kiepert refers sometimes to his appendix to Franz Eiinf Inschriften unci fiinf
Stadte Kleinasiens, sometimes to his maps (especially the latest large
scale map of Western Asia Minor).

Le Blant I or II = Inscr. Chretiennes de la Gaule, E. Le Blant.

Le Blant III = Nouveau Becueil des Inscr. Chrit. de la Gaide, E. Le Blant.

Le Quien = Oriens Christianus Vol. I.

Liermann = Analecta Epigraphica et Agonistica, 0. Liermann in Dissertatwnes
Philologicae Halenses VIII.

LW = same as Wadd. (see below).

Mae = Maeander (Magnesia Mae = ad Maeandrum).

Marquardt = Bomische Staatsverwallung Vol. I Organisation des Beichs, J. Marquardt,
Ed. II.

Menadier = Qua condicione Ephesii usi sintinde ab Asia in formamprovinciae redacta,
Julius Menadier.

MoUS. Sm. = Wlovoeiov Ka\ BifiXioBrjKT] rrjs Euayy. S^oXijs rrjs if 'S.p.vpvrj.

No. refers to the numbered inscriptions quoted in the Appendices of this book.

Petersen = text in Count Lanckoronski's Stcldte Pamphgliens und Pisidiens.


Reinach = Chroniques a"Orient (as re-published), S. Reinach.

Rh. Mus. = Bheinisches Museum fur Philologie.

Ruinart ■= Acta Sincera Martyrum, Ruinart (Ratisbon 1859).

Smith, see AHS.

Sterrett EJ = An Epigraphs Journey in Asia Minor, ) beinS Vols- IT HI of Studiee

} of the American School at
Sterrett WE = The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, J ^^ (J R g> sten.ett)-

Str. = Strabo (rare, usually Strab.).

Tomaschek = Zur historischen Topographie von Kleinasien im Mittelalter (Sitzungs-
berichte d. Akademie d. Wissensch. in Wien 1891).

Wadd. = Le Bas Voyage Archeologique en Asie Mineure (the inscriptions from 31
onwards were edited by M. Waddington).

All inscriptions which have been transcribed by the writer from the original
stone are indicated by ' (R. date),' coming immediately after the number.