Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Historii Sztuki — 44.2019

DOI Artikel:
Olszewska, Magdalena M.: Dni Galowe i inne rocznice oraz oficjalne podróże Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego (1764-1795)
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Oprawa artystyczna służyła gloryfikacji władcy, prezentowała jego chwałę, wchodząc w skład ceremo-
niału dworskiego i uświetniając uroczystości. Wśród elementów wykorzystywanych w budowaniu wizerunku
monarchy można wyróżnić charakterystyczne dla całego okresu panowania symbole szeroko stosowane
w dekoracjach: cyfra oraz herby króla i Rzeczpospolitej, Orły, oko Opatrzności Bożej, personifikacje Sławy
(Famy), Pokoju i Sprawiedliwości, Opatrzności Bożej, sztuk i nauk (na przykład Matematyki, Architektury
oraz rzek). Popularne były także odwołania nawiązujące do antyku - cesarza Oktawiana Augusta, Słońca,
do Biblii - przede wszystkim do króla Salomona oraz do panteonu antycznych bogów: Cerery, Fortuny,
Junony, Minerwy, Apolla, Jowisza, Marsa. Przedstawiano Geniuszy z gałązkami palmowymi, wieńcami
laurowymi, a jako motyw dekoracyjny często umieszczano płonące znicze oraz wazy. Stanisław August
miał się jawić jako mądry król, Ojciec Ojczyzny, spadkobierca Piastów, Jagiellonów i następnych królów,
odnowiciel sztuk, nauk, przemysłu, handlu i rolnictwa, reformator, który ma uzdrowić kraj, zapewnić
radość i szczęście obywatelom w swoim państwie.

More than thirty years of the reign of the last king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was marked by many official events
linked to lavish occasional presentations. Among the most important were the so-called Gala Days. The anniversaries of the ‘miraculous’
rescue of the king from the hands of the Bar Confederates, the Victory of Vienna, or the adoption of the Constitution of the 3rd of May
were also celebrated. The ruler also made several dozen journeys of national, economic and political or sociable nature, during which
he had the opportunity to visit various places connected with the history and development of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and
to meet his subjects. His triumphal entries to the visited cities and his stays were organized in a ceremonial manner and were usually
carried out according to a predetermined plan. Providing attractions for the king, the court and the guests generated costs and engaged
a large group of people specialized in various fields. In addition to the artists and their projects, it was necessary to build machine-
like structures, mount the appropriate lighting, install pyrotechnic materials, and provide accommodation and food for several hundred
people. Most often, to mark the ceremony, triumphal gates (arches), obelisks (colossi and pyramids), fountains, pavilions and various
buildings were erected, complemented by spectacular illuminations and fireworks. Gatherings were also enriched with occasional theatre
and music performances, occasional poetry, songs and speeches. Usually, the artistic means were combined with a rich symbolic and
ideological programme.
The present article includes descriptions of a few such celebrations. Among other things, the drawings by Wincenty Lesseur are
mentioned, showing a tent (exhibited in Zapol) and its plan, the images of the personification of rivers as well as the hunting gazebo in
Bialowieza, etc. The author describes some of the schemes of those ceremonies, the most popular gifts offered and the most frequently
used symbols in the decorations, which served as a glorification of the royal power and added splendour to the ceremony.

fransi. Katarzyna Krzyżagórska-Pisarek