Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Editor]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 4.2011

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Editor's note
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Editor’s Notę

Editor5s Notę

The Princes Czartoryski Museum, which is the subject of the 4th volume of the ‘Papers,’
is, on the one hand, a historical collection of the princely family madę up of museum and
library holdings and, on the other, a post-war creation, namely the exhibition of European
art covering the period from the antiąuity to the mid-19th century, firmly lodged in the
social consciousness and constituting an integral part of the cultural landscape of Kraków.
Admittedly, the result of the collecting passion of the members of the Czartoryski fam-
ily does form its core, but it is not the only element of the collection, as the galleries of
painting and ancient art have been expanded with the holdings of the National Museum
and items deposited by private individuals. That unintentional yet inevitable thematic and
artistic coexistence and complementation of the works belonging to the Princes Czar-
toryski Foundation and the National Museum, which have been displayed together, is
described in an article by Dorota Gorzelany entitled ‘Dionysian Images. A Few Remarks
Concerning the Iconography ot Dionysus and Ariadnę on the Greek Vases in the Col-
lections of the Princes Czartoryski Foundation and the National Museum in Krakowi
The volume that we have the pleasure of placing in the hands of our Readers also shows
a variety of actions carried out by the National Museum in Kraków as part of taking care
of the Princes Czartoryski museum and library collections: exhibiting, studying (both by
museum specialists and people ‘from outside), conserving and engaging in educational
activity, including making the collection available for university classes.

During its long existence, the Princes Czartoryski Museum, in particular the Gallery of
European Painting and Sculpture, has been a kind of research laboratory for art historians
and conservators. Their work has resulted in new attributions of paintings and conserva-
tion works. In her article ‘Remarks on the New Attributions of Several Italian Paintings
from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Kraków,’ Dorota Dec deliberately refers to her
predecessors: Dr Marek Rostworowski and Prof. Anna Różycka Bryzek, once Department
XII custodians, who published the results of their studies in ‘Biuletynu FTistorii Sztuki’ and
‘Folia fiistoriae Artium.’

When talking about the Prices Czartoryski Museum, one cannot forget Lady with an
Ermine. Therefore, we highly recommend the article entitled About the Only Painting
by Leonardo da Vinci in Poland. Conservators’ Comments.’ The authors: Małgorzata
Chmielewska, Anna Grochowska-Angelus and Katarzyna Novljaković analyse in detail
the physical structure of the painting and describe its State of preservation, which is par-
ticularly important now, in the face of the generally accepted necessity to carry out the
conservation of this great work.

The next part of the ‘Papers’ is devoted to the Princes Czartoryski Library. Its true pride
is a collection of around two hundred medieval and modern illuminated manuscripts,
including indisputable masterpieces: The Golden Codex of Pułtusk, a prayer book from the