Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 4.2011

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Berlin circle of the Master of Mary of Burgundy and Erazm Ciołeks Pontifical. Recently
these works have been shown to a wider public at two exhibitions arranged by the National
Museum in Kraków: the annual one, organised on the bicentenary of the Princes Czar-
toryski Museum (Princess Izabela Czartoryskas Puławy Collection of Illuminated Manu-
scripts, September 2001) and the other one entitled Treasures from the Princes Czartoryski
Library, which accompanied the annual congress of Association Internationale de Bib-
liophilie, which we hosted in Kraków in the autumn of 2011. For years medieval manu-
scripts from the Princes Czartoryski collection have been studied by scholars, from the
country and abroad, specialising in medieval book painting, still a rare academic discipline
in Poland. Therefore, the papers by two young researchers from Kraków, who encountered
our collection at the very beginning of their academic work, are worthy ot even greater
attention. Concerned with the art of illumination, these articles are a result of the collabo-
ration between the National Museum and the university circle. Kinga Sozańska (‘The Book
ofHours, Ms. Czart. 2944 - Workshop of the Master of the Rouen Echevinage) introduces
to science the French Book ofHours from the 15th century, which has not been sufficiently
written about before, examining it in an analytical way. Based on the accurately observed
stylistic features and the decoration programme, she attributes it to the workshop of the
Master of the Echevinage de Rouen. In the article ‘Several Observations about Architec-
tural Motifs in Miniatures Featured in Erazm Ciołeks Pontifical (Ms Czart. 1212 IV),’ Jakub
Adamski uses bis knowledge of architecture to make an attempt to interpret architectural
motifs found in the miniatures featured in Erazm Ciołeks Pontifical. His interdisciplinary
treatise breaks the long silence around one of the most fascinating works of Kraków illumi-
nation at the beginning of the 16th century. Next texts are concerned with the issues closely
connected with the Princes Czartoryski Library, which are at the same time of profound
significance for the historical substance of the collection. The first of them refers to the
very matter of the collection, while the second one discusses the history of its current stor-
age place. The already proverbial complicated history of books and archive records - their
fate - is the subject of interest for Janusz Pezda (‘Volumen hoc deest. Volumen hoc desid-
eratur. On Items Missing from the Princes Czartoryski Library Manuscript Collection),
who, based on sources, reconstructs the history of numerous volumes from the Princes
Czartoryski Library, considered lost, burnt in the Krasiński Pałace in Warsaw or found in
other collections, e.g. at the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The scalę
of the phenomenon is well illustrated by the catalogue attached to the article, which also
contains valuable information about the place of storing the works previously regarded
as lost. In his article 'The History of the Construction and Modernisation of the Princes
Czartoryski Library at 17 Św. Marka St. in Kraków (1956-2010),’ Janusz Nowak publishes
for the first time materials concerning the property at 17 Św. Marka St., where part of the
archival and book collections of the National Museum in Kraków as well as the library, the
archives, manuscripts and cimelia from the Princes Czartoryski collection found its place
in a building erected there in 1960. Thanks to the article by Janusz Nowak that looks at
the collection from the perspective of its history, in the chain of events and places - next
to Warsaw, Puławy, Paris, Sieniawa and Krakows Arsenał - the last venue of the Library,
located at 17 Św. Marka St., acąuires new significance, opening another, new chapter in the
history of the Princes Czartoryski collection at the National Museum in Kraków.