Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Editor]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 8.2015

DOI issue:
Artykuły / Articles
DOI article:
Lencznarowicz, Lucyna: Kazimierz Iwanicki i jego kolekcja miniatur
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Lucyna Lencznarowicz

Polski słownik biograficzny, t. IV, 1937, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków; t. XII, 1966/67; t. XV,
1981; t. XXVII, 1982; t. XXX, 1987, Polska Akademia Nauk, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź.
Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działających. Malarze, rzeźbiarze, graficy, t. I, 1971; t. II,
1975; t. III, 1979; t. IV, 1986; t. V, 1993, (uzupełnienia i sprostowania) 2003, Polska Akademia Nauk. Insty-
tut Sztuki, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk.
Schidlof 1964
Schidlof L.R., La miniaturę en Europę aux 16e, 18e et 19e siecles, t. I-IV, Graz 1964.
Sztuka francuska 1973
Sztuka francuska w zbiorach polskich 1230-1830, [kat. wystawy], Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu,
Poznań 1973.
Tobiaszowa 1960
Tobiaszowa Z., Miniatury portretowe rodziny Wołowskich i Faucher, „Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum
Narodowego w Krakowie” 1960, t. VI.
Tobiaszowa 1962
Tobiaszowa Z., Historia zbioru miniatur Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie, „Rozprawy i Sprawozdania
Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie” 1962, t. VII.
Tobiaszowa, Kudelska 1963
Tobiaszowa Z., Kudelska Z., Miniatury portretowe z dwóch stuleci, [kat. wystawy], Muzeum Narodowe
w Krakowie, Kraków 1963.

Kazimierz Iwanicki and his miniaturę collection
In the year 1945, the miniaturę section of the National Museum in Kraków, became
considerably enriched thanks to the incorporation of a collection once belonging to
a former army colonel Dr. Kazimierz Iwanicki. The collection constituted a part of
a larger beąuest, comprising, among others, furniture, porcelain, bronze artefacts,
snuff-boxes and paintings. The miniaturę collection consisted of 32 artefacts and was
regarded as one of the best in Kraków; whereas its owner had enjoyed the reputation of
an outstanding expert in miniaturę painting in Poland. Iwanicki was an army doctor
who had initially served in the Austro-Hungarian army and then in the revived Polish
army; from the earliest years if his life, he took a keen interest in art. During his stay in
Vienna (1910-1912), he became a close friend of Leo R. Schidlof who was regarded as
one of the most outstanding experts in miniaturę painting. It was under the influence
of the latter that Iwanicki became interested in this discipline of art; this interest had
led to the creation of a miniaturę collection that was characterized by the high quality
of the artefacts, good State of their preservation and in the majority of cases extremely
original frameworks. Up until today, the above collection constitutes one of the most
important elements making up the miniaturę assemblage of the National Museum in