Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Editor]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — 10.1970

DOI article:
Małkiewiczówna, Helena: Sprawozdanie z działalności Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie w latach 1964-1965
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gement of permanent exhibitions in 1964—1965. Because of scarcity of exhibition
rooms, the permanent exhibition of Polish artistic craft in the New Building of the
Museum was closed, and the exposition of Polish modern art reduced and displayed
as the exhibition of painting and sculpture called From Young Poland Till Today.

2. Temporaty exhibitions in the National Museum in Cracow

The first in the series of temporary exhibitions was the display Art in Kraków,
1350—1550 opened in the New Building in May, 1964, and organized as a contri-
bution to the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the Jagiellonian University.
The exhibition was arranged chronologically, from paintings, sculptures and works
of artistic craft from the 14th and 15th centuries to the works of Renaissance art,
showing artistic culture of the Jagiellonian court, patricians and townsmen. The
exhibition From Young Poland Till Today which was mentioned above, and a dis-
play of a number of incunabula and prints from the early 16th century, produced
in Stanisław Polak’s printing house in Seville and called The Spanish Prints of
Stanisław Polak, were opened at the same time.

As the next contribution of the Museum to the celebration of the anniversary
of the university, two exhibitions opened in 1964 in Jan Matejko’s House should be
mentioned: The History of Ciuilisation in Poland and the display of Matejko’s
paintings, connected with the university in terms of subject matter.

After exhibition Art in Kraków was closed, a display of works of Józef Me-
hoffer (oils, drawings, water-colours and projects of stained glasses — among others,
sketches of stained glasses for the Cathedral in Fribourg) was opened in the New
Building from the end of 1964 till the beginning of 1965. Then, in February 1965,
the exhibition American Graphic Art was opened, in which over two thousand items
were displayed, illustrating new trends in American graphic arts, both artistic and
functional. Next in the series of temporary displays arranged in the New Building
were the following exhibitions: Dresden and Warsaw in the Works of Bernardo Be-
lotto Canaletto (with the assistence of the National Art Collections in Dresden and the
National Museum in Warsaw); Italian Books (a display of books, albums, encyclo-
paedias, reproductions and posters printed in the best known Italian printing houses),
organized thanks to the care of the Office of Information and Literary, Artistic and
Scholarly Property at the Presidium of the Ministry and the General Directorate
of Cultural Exhange at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic;
Swiss Art from Hodler Till Today, organized by the Pro Helvetia Foundation and
presenting works by Ferdinand Hodler, Cuno Amiet, Felix Vallatton, Rene Auber-
jonois, Paul Klee and others. The exhibition Old Clocks, Polish and Foreign (the 17th
and 18th centuries) was opened in the New Building at about the same time, and
the exhibition Musie and Graphic Arts in Publications of the Polish Musical Pu-
blishing House — at the end of 1965.

In the second half of 1964 in the Szołayski House the exhibdtion leons was
opened, a display of about one hundred pictures, painted in southeastern Poland
between the 15th and the 19th centuries.

Apart from those mentioned above, the following exhibitions and displays were
opened in 1964 and 1965 in Jan Matejko’s House: Family Portraits by Jan Matejko,
Matejko’s Works Added to the Collection in the Years 1963 and 1964, Horses in Ma-
tejko’s Studies and Sketches, Kraków in Matejko’s Drawings and Oils.

In the newly opened rooms for temporary exhibitions in the Czartoryski Mu-
seum, the exhibition Art Michelangelo in the Graphic Arts was opened in May, 1964,
