Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Editor]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — 10.1970

DOI article:
Małkiewiczówna, Helena: Sprawozdanie z działalności Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie w latach 1964-1965
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hibition Conternporary Graphic Art of Kraków was organized in the exhibition
rooms of the Centre of Polish Culture in Prague.

In 1965, in cooperation with the National Collections of Art of the Wawel and
the Museum of Pomerania in Gdańsk, a historical exposition called Katarzyna Ja-
giellonka, a Polish Princess, Finnish Duchess and the Queen of Sweden (t 1583) was
organized for the Historical Museum in Turku (Finland).

II. Publications and scholarly activities

Publications of the National Museum in Cracow, directed by the Editorial Com-
mittee, include guidebooks for permanent and temporary exhibitions and catalogues
of chosen groups of relics from the collections of the Museum. The regular pubii-
cation of the Museum is called Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego
w Krakowie (Dissertations and Reports of the National Museum in Cracow). In the
years 1964 and 1965, seventeen items were published, including one publication in
French (L’Art a Cracovie entre 1350 et 1550, Cracovie 1965). During that period,
a series of scholarly works, dealing with both the Museum Collections and with
other problems, and written by the individual members of the staff of the Museum,
were published in various reference books and in Polish and foreign periodicals.
The staff of the Museum took part in numerous scholarly meetings and conferences,
both in Poland and abroad.

Last but not least, one should mention the help given by the Museum in orga-
nizing concerts of old musie, meetings with authors and literary discussions, held
on the premises of the Museum.

III. Educational and popularizing activities

One of the basie forms of activity of the National Museum in Cracow in the
years 1964 and 1965 was popularization work, carried out by the section of Edu-
cation and Scholarly Activities and the section of Travelling Displays, with great
help from various scholars. The main forms of popularization are travelling and
educational exhibitions in which the display of exhibits is accompanied by expla-
natorjr talks; presentation of films on art and culture; lectures and talks organized
in Houses of Culture, clubs, common rooms and regional museums; lectures on
history of art, often illustrated with exhibits, regularly held for schoolchildren in
the rooms of the Museum.

The Office of Sociologic Investigations carried out research concerning the effects
of such activities and the cultural needs of particular environments.

IV. Gifts and purchases

In the way of gifts and purchases, the collections of the Museum were enlarged
by 726 new items in 1964 and 419 new items in 1965. The purchases included
paintings, sculptures and drawings of Polish artists of the 19th and 20th centuries,
as well as paintings by artists of Western Europę, Polish and foreign old coins and,
among others, military objeets.