Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Miodońska, Barbara; Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Editor]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI — Kraków, 12, Suppl..1979

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List of Illustrations
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List of Hustrations

1. The Gradual of Jan Olbracht (John Al-
bert), King of Poland, binding of Part III,
dated 1506. Cracow, Chapter Archives
of Wawel Cathedral, no. 42 KP.
2. Colophon of the Gradual of John Albert,
Part 111, no. 42 KP, fol. P.
3. Arms of the King and Jan Jordan, Head
of the Salt Mine ("żupnik"), Gradual of
John Albert, Part III, no. 42 KP, fol. 1.
4. Imperator eoelestts, Gradual of John
Albert, Part I, dated 1501, no. 43 KP,
fol. 1, initial K.
5. Kyrte, Gradual of John Albert, Part I,
no. 43 KP, fol. 1.
6. Kyrie, Gradual of John Albert, Part II,
no. 44 KP, fol. H.
7. King in Majesty (Cyrus freeing the Isra-
elites?), Gradual of John Albert, Part 11,
no. 44 KP, fol. ]v, initial K.
8. Kyrte, Gradual of John Albert, Part III,
no. 42KP, fol. 2v.
9. Aegtna tdrgtaam, Gradual of John Al-
bert, Part III, no. 42 KP, fol. 2\ initial K.
10. Aanctus, the Holy Trinity, Gradual of
John Albert, Part I, no. 43 KP, fol. 4v,
11. SanctMS, the Holy Trinity, Gradual of
John Albert, Part II, no. 44 KP, fol. 26L
12. Sanctas, Choir of boys from the AcAoIa
Caatoram, Gradual of John Albert, Part
HI, no. 42 KP, fol. 17\ initial S.
13. Introit "Ad te levavi", Gradual of John
Albert, Part I, no. 43 KP, fol. 29.
14. Pope Gregory the Great and King David
adoring God the Father, Gradual of John
Albert, Part I, no. 43 KP, fol. 29, initial A.
15. Part of the marginal decoration, Gradual
of John Albert, Part I, no. 43 KP, fol.
16. Introit "Dominus secus", Valuator rn.an.cH,

Gradual of John Albert, Part 1, no. 44,
fol. 55.
17. The Holy Trinity deciding the salvation
of mankind, Gradual of John Albert,
Part I, no. 43 KP, fol. 263N
18. Introit "Salve Sancta Parens", Gradual of
John Albert, Part Ill, no. 42, fol. 63\
19. Adoration of the Child and the Tree of
Jesse, Gradual of John Albert, Part I,
no. 42 KP, fol. 55.
20. IHalter amteta sole venerated by the
King, Gradual of John Albert, Part III,
no. 42, fol. 63A initial S.
21. The King at the portals of a church (Sa-
lomon before the Temple), Gradual of
John Albert, Part I, no. 42 KP, fol. 307^.
22. Metal-work with the arms of the donor on
the binding of Part I of the Gradual of
John Albert, dated 1501.
Part 1, chapter 2 a
23. The Creator of the World as Imperator
coelestts, woodcut on the title-page of
the IHLer croatcaram of H. Schedel,
print of A- Koberger, Nuremberg 1493.
24. Michael Wolgemut, The Fall of the Rebel
Angels, woodcut in the &!tatz&eltalter of
S. Fridolin, print of A. Koberger, Nurem-
berg 1491 (after A. Schramm).
25. Michael Wolgemut, Daniel's Vision, wood-
cut in the SeAatzóeAalter, Nuremberg
1491 (after A. Schramm).
26. Simon Marmion, The Garden of Eden,
Sept ages da monde, Mons, c. 1460.
Brussels, Bibliotheque Royale Albert I,
MS 9047, fol. P (after Delaisse).
27. Initial of "Te igitur" in the Missal of Jan
of Streda, Bohemia, after 1364. Prague,
Library of the Metropolitan Chapter,
Cim. 6, fol. 103.
28. Seal of the Emperor Charles IV, 1355.
