Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Miodońska, Barbara; Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI — Kraków, 12, Suppl..1979

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57 David's Prayer, Missal of Jasna Dóra,
foundation of John Albert, Cracow,
c. 1506. Częstochowa, Library of the Pau-
line Convent on Jasna Góra (Clara Mons),
no. 583, fol. 9.
58. The donor adoring Christ in Majesty,
Gradual of Ernest of Pardubice, Bohemia,
1363. Prague, Library of the Metropolitan
Chapter P7, fol. 1 (after Podlaha).
59. The donor adoring Christ in Majesty,
Gradual from Łęczyca, Part IV, fol. 5,
Cracow, 1467. Lost, formerly in the Na-
tional Library in Warsaw.
60. Mass of St. Gregory and David's Prayer,
Gradual from Litomerice, Bohemia, 1510—-
1514. Litomerice, Main Archives, no in-
ventary number.
61. The origin of spiritual and secular power.
Giossa super decretum, Bohemia, first
half of fifteenth century. Prague, Library
of Metropolitan Chapter, I. 1, fol. 2 (after
62. Handing over the spiritual and secular
swords to the Pope and the Emperor,
miniature in the Biume des 5acAseuspieg*eis,
Legnica, 1387. Cracow, Jagiellonian Li-
brary, acquisition number 125/75 (after
63. Jos Amman of Ravensburg, Pietas Domini,
1460—1470. Berlin—Dahlem, Staatliche
Museen (after Winkler).
64. Hans Burgkmair the Elder, woodcut on
the reverse of the title-page of Dyaiogus
VoAauui Atamier... De diversarum gen-
tium sectis et mundi reiig'ioniAus, Augs-
burg 1508 (after Geisberg).
65. Allegory of the Kingdom of Poland, wood-
cut, Stanisław Orzechowski: Quincunx,
tAat is tAe pattern oj* tAe Croum of Po-
land/, 1564.
66. Woodcut from Sebastian Brandt's iVar-
rertscAi^j Strasburg 1497 (after Schramm).
67. Woodcut from Sebastian Brandt's IVar-
renscAi/f Strasburg 1949 (after Schramm).
Bart 1, chapter 2f
68. James IV, King of Scotland, praying be-
fore the altar of the Valuator mundi.
Prayer-book of James IV, Flanders,
between 1503 and 1513. Vienna, Oster-
reichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1897,
fol. 24v (after Meiss).
69. Master E. S., .Saivator mundi, woodcut
L. 56, 1467 (after Geisberg).
70. Joos van Cleve, Salvator mundi. Paris,
the Louvre (after Gottlieb).
71. Master of the Aachen Altarpiece, Salvator
mundi, c. 1510. Cologne, Wallraf-Ri-
chartz-Museum (after Kc'iner Afaier der
<4. Stanisław Samostrzelnik's Workshop, Sal-
vator mundi, miniature in Tomicki's

Evangelistary. Cracow, Chapter Archives
of Wawel Cathedra], no. 19 KP, fol. 96.
73. Saivator mundi enthroned, adored by
representatives of the spiritual and secular
estates, Antiphonary of Klemens of Piotr-
ków, Cracow 1505. Library of Gniezno
Cathedral MS. 94, fol. 162.
74. Saivator mundi, woodcut in W. Role-
vinck's Fasciculus tempornm, Cologne,
Part 1, chapter 2g
75. Bishop venerating the Afuiier amicta sole,
Pontifical of Zbigniew Oleśnicki, Cracow,
c. 1430. Chapter Archives of Wawel
Cathedral, no. 12 KP, fol. 160\
76. Cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki venerating
the Afuiier amicta sole, pen drawing,
Lifer prtviiegtorum of Cracow Cathedral,
no. 2, Cracow, after 1445. Chapter Archi-
ves of Wawel Cathedral.
77. Afuiier amicta sole, broadsheet woodcut
with the text of an indulgenced prayer
by Sistus IV, Bale, c. 1500 (after Heitz).
78. Afuiier amicta sole, the Antiphonary of
Adam of Będków, Part It, fol. 1, minia-
ture painted c. 1490. Chapter Archives
of Wawel Cathedral, no. 49 KP.
79. Afuiier amicta .sole with a rosary, pen
drawing, indulgenced picture pasted on
the binding of a book from the library
of the Friars Minor of the Observance in
Przeworsk. Cracow National Museum,
Chartoryski Library.
80. Afuiier amicta sole with a rosary. Book
of Hours, France, mid-fifteenth century.
Paris, Bibl. nat., MS. lat. 10548 (after
81. Afuiter amicta sole as the Virgin of the
Rosary, broadsheet woodcut, Upper Ger-
many, c. 1490 (after Heitz).
82. Heinrich Aurheim, Afuiier amicta sole
adored by the Archduke Ernst des Ei-
serne, miniature in a manuscript of the
works of St. Augustine, Austria. 1415-
1420. Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbi-
bliothek, Cod. Ser. n. 89 (after L'ort euro-
peen vers 1400).
83. Afuiier amicta sole adored by the Emp-
ress Eleanor and the Archduke Maximilian,
the Imperial Prayer-book, Vienna, c. 1464.
Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbiblio-
thek, Cod. 1942 (after the catalogue of the
Maximilian I Exhibition in Vienna).
84. Afuiier amicta sole adored by George,
Duke of Ziębice and Oleśnica, Prayer-book
of Duke George (Jerzy), fol. 53^, Silesia,
c. 1502. Vienna, Osterreichische Natio-
nalbibliothek, no. 1960 (after Kloss).
85. Stanisław Samostrzelnik, Afuiier amicta
sole adored by Sigismund (Zygmunt) I,
King of Poland, Cracow, 1524. London,
