^ff!^£jw]i^^______ To face p. 56.__
Vol.I.Tlate I.
l.Ambala - Agra, 1855,December
lot.J. 30o?J'-4\Z7o 16"-4
Imy£.6r.76°48'-8 \78°i'7
Z<*?7rf, iOUft. \ 637 ft
Difference of 7,m(//a 36'(7 ft.
2. Puna - 13 oral) ay ,1855
lat.N. 18" 30 ' M j#°SJ ' j
Lntfj I'. Or. 73 °5% '■1\7Z0 4.V--J
Keylkb 1,784'ft. 138 ft.
Difference, of htig-Jii 1,746ft.
3 . Kaladgki - Bombay ,18 55, January
lot. N: if °/z > j j$ ° *V
LongE.Gr. 7S°&<?' # j 7%"4,9 '1
Ktykt J,744fl. 138 ft.
Jfifrtratce. 0f n^ight 1,706ft.
M!>- J z 3 4 y 6
ag er - Agra , 18 5 5, D ec embei
lat.N, Z3 "SO 'ft
longE.Or. 78° 43 ' 4
Height US'0 ft.
Difference of 7teig7tl JJXJ ft
anr. 4 z 3 4 .f e r a
27° W-4
78" 1-7
6//7 ft.
5. laltt - DaTpliiig, 1855 ,May /]\ and June.
lai.JV. 27"S3 -7 j Z7°3' 0
lonyF.t/r.S70S9'-8 j S8°JS'-3
Jfeitjlil 17,838 ft,. \ 7,16'8 ft.
Difference of /><>/,//,/ 4,6 70ft .
Jl\ MN.
71. MX.
6. Leli "Massuri - Snula,185b".
lat.X. 34"8■ 4130°27'6' 3/"6"-7
Io,Mi:irr.77°U'ff \ 78°3'-0 77°7'-6
Height 17,53277. \(>,MOft. 7,OJ7ft.
Difference of height:
IeA - Mdssuri 47742 ft.
1eh - Simla, 4j7tffb.
k Ms.
M.V. /
li M.X.
General Remarks.
In, representing Hit.periodic variation,
t/t£ rise offfw, curves corresponds tx> oil
increase of apparent reZtttvPe hehjlcb.
Infrared aiiil published by T. A.Brockliaus, Leipzig ,1861.
tuidi to St) 3e/to fiOO
urn t <- •■ 1
•i iru'hi'S
^ff!^£jw]i^^______ To face p. 56.__
Vol.I.Tlate I.
l.Ambala - Agra, 1855,December
lot.J. 30o?J'-4\Z7o 16"-4
Imy£.6r.76°48'-8 \78°i'7
Z<*?7rf, iOUft. \ 637 ft
Difference of 7,m(//a 36'(7 ft.
2. Puna - 13 oral) ay ,1855
lat.N. 18" 30 ' M j#°SJ ' j
Lntfj I'. Or. 73 °5% '■1\7Z0 4.V--J
Keylkb 1,784'ft. 138 ft.
Difference, of htig-Jii 1,746ft.
3 . Kaladgki - Bombay ,18 55, January
lot. N: if °/z > j j$ ° *V
LongE.Gr. 7S°&<?' # j 7%"4,9 '1
Ktykt J,744fl. 138 ft.
Jfifrtratce. 0f n^ight 1,706ft.
M!>- J z 3 4 y 6
ag er - Agra , 18 5 5, D ec embei
lat.N, Z3 "SO 'ft
longE.Or. 78° 43 ' 4
Height US'0 ft.
Difference of 7teig7tl JJXJ ft
anr. 4 z 3 4 .f e r a
27° W-4
78" 1-7
6//7 ft.
5. laltt - DaTpliiig, 1855 ,May /]\ and June.
lai.JV. 27"S3 -7 j Z7°3' 0
lonyF.t/r.S70S9'-8 j S8°JS'-3
Jfeitjlil 17,838 ft,. \ 7,16'8 ft.
Difference of /><>/,//,/ 4,6 70ft .
Jl\ MN.
71. MX.
6. Leli "Massuri - Snula,185b".
lat.X. 34"8■ 4130°27'6' 3/"6"-7
Io,Mi:irr.77°U'ff \ 78°3'-0 77°7'-6
Height 17,53277. \(>,MOft. 7,OJ7ft.
Difference of height:
IeA - Mdssuri 47742 ft.
1eh - Simla, 4j7tffb.
k Ms.
M.V. /
li M.X.
General Remarks.
In, representing Hit.periodic variation,
t/t£ rise offfw, curves corresponds tx> oil
increase of apparent reZtttvPe hehjlcb.
Infrared aiiil published by T. A.Brockliaus, Leipzig ,1861.
tuidi to St) 3e/to fiOO
urn t <- •■ 1
•i iru'hi'S