Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 2) — London, 1807

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blind, he could not choose a better method than
this whimsical specific.

Leaving Elris at four o'clock in the afternoon,
two leagues lower down we saw Abouneschabe;
and opposite to it, on the eastern bank, Tahone.
Between these two villages the Nile is very broad,
but shallow. My boat, though without any
lading, ran aground, and remained fast a consider-
able time. At nine o'clock we reached lagnouss,
a pretty large village on the eastern bank, half a
league from Tahone.

At lagnouss I tasted for the first time a small
fruit called nebka. The tree that bears it, is a
large species of rhamnus *, growing higher than a

* The nebka being yet little known, and the work of Forskal
not being in the hands of every one, I presume it will not be
unacceptable to the botanical reader, if I copy what has been
said of it by this gentleman, who examined it on the spot where
it grows.

Rhamnus nabeca. Variat. (a) Rh. divaricatus; foliis se-
mipollicar. Caulibus ad singula folia divaricatis ; spinis validis,
sape gcminis. (b) Rh. rectus; rami's recti:; spinis aut nullis aut
solitariis ad latus petioli, recti; patentibus; foliis polliiaribus.
Utriusque caudex arboreus; fructu drupa, nuce biloculari; folia
crenulata, trirurvia, glabra, ovata, oitusa, alterna, d'ntichia, pe~
tiolata; stipule sctacetr. Arab, prior. Sidr, <vcl Ghast, aut JEAb.
Alter Ardj vel Orredj. Forskal, Flora Egypt.-Arab. Suppl,
p. 204.

Rhamnus napcca. Rumph. Arab, a, tab, 42,

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