Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sotheby and Son; Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard [Oth.]
Catalogue of the library of Dr. Kloss: including many original and unpublished manuscripts, and printed books with ms. annotations, by Philip Melancthon — London [u.a.]: Sotheby & Son, 1835

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done. This circumstance tends to shew, that that prevailing
character of pen which every person from long habits
of writing must acquire, however artfully he may endeavour
to disguise it upon occasions, does appeal' to reign throughout
the productions under consideration. The testimony of this
unprejudiced and unintentional witness was considered so
important by the compilers, that Mr. Sheldrick, the artist
alluded to, was desired by them to communicate his opinion
on the subject, which he did in the annexed note.
14, Finch Lane, Cornhill.
Since I last saw you, I have paid particular attention to the remarks
you made as regards the hand-writing of Melancthon, and must
certainly agree with you, that the whole I have had to fac-simile are
evidently by the same hand, as the formation of the letters correspond
with each other exactly.
I beg leave to state that, being in the habit of copying so many
hundred different styles of writing, I am generally enabled to discover
any fictitious copy sooner than one unaccustomed to fac-similes.
Your obedient servant,
Friday Afternoon. WM. SHELDRICK.
/ i
Before concluding the present notice, a few remarks relative to
the history of the collection may be not improperly introduced.
In answer to a letter written to Dr. Kloss upon this point,
he states,—
“My Library has been collected in the course of eighteen years
throughout the whole of Germany, and no single old library of import-
ance has been its foundation: but the collections of John von Dalburg,
Bishop of Worms; of Bernard Adelman, of Adelmansted; of the
Cathedral of Eslingen, were altogether, in five different purchases, em-
bodied almost entire in my collection. Much later, I bought many
important works from the collection of Christopher Scheurl, of the
Cathedral of Ochsenhausen; of Schoeffer Joh. Fichard, &c.”
In the Biographic Universelle we learn, that when Reuchlin
retired from public life, in order to avoid persecution (1495-8),
he sought an asylum in the city of Heidelberg, and, enjoying
the favour of John Dalburg, then Bishop of Worms, found
in his rich library all the assistance he could desire in the
pursuit of his literary labours. John Dalburg died in 1503,
and in 1509 Melancthon went to study at Heidelberg,