Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sotheby and Son; Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard [Bearb.]
Catalogue of the library of Dr. Kloss: including many original and unpublished manuscripts, and printed books with ms. annotations, by Philip Melancthon — London [u.a.]: Sotheby & Son, 1835

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1830 GRATII Poetae de Venatione L. i—Ovidii halieuticon-
Nemesiani Cynegcticon et Bucolicum, &c.
Ed. collect, iii Lugduni, ap. Seb. Gryphium, 1537
1831 Gregorii Nazanzeni Orationes Lectissimse xvi, Greece
Ed. prim a . Eeneiiis, Aldus,
viii, 432, 788
1832 Gringoire (Pierre) Le Jeu du Prince des Stoz et Mere Sotte
coined. Joue aux Halles de Paris, 1511
viii, 250, 2838 ?
1833 Hayncccii (Martini) Hausoframea, sive Momoscopus, Co-
mcedia, Lipsice, Georg. Defnerus, 1581—Almausor, sive
Ludus Literarius, Lipsice, Abr. Lamberg, 1588, &c.; in
one vol.
1834 Herodiani Historiarum L. vnr, Gr. et Lat.
Eenetiis, Aldus, fyc. 1524
viii, 483, 1229
1835 IJessi (Helii Eobani) Divo Carolo Germaniam ingredient!
Urbis Norimbergae gratulatoria acclamatio, Ac. Aorim-
bergce, Job. Petreius, 1530 ; vii, 477. 274—De Turnultus
horum Temporum Querela, Metrice, ib. Fr. Peypus, 1528;
vii, 473, 244—De Perfidia Romani Pontificis Epistola,
&c. metrice (ib. Joh. Petreius, 1530); ix, 172, 116 ; in
one vol.
*** Melanctiion’s copy, with marginal notes in red ink.
1836 — Operura Farragines duae
Haire Suevorum (Petr. BrubacE), 1539
1837 Historic Augustas Scriptores Suetonius Tranquillus, Aure-
lius Victor, &c. 2 tom. Venetiis, Aldus, 1516
viii, 433, 793
*** Melanctiion’s copy, with numerous marginal notes.
1838 — TEHus Spartianus, Julius Capitolius, Lampridius, &c.
cum annotat. Bapt. Egnatii
Ed. vii Florentice, hcered. Phil. Juntos, 1519
vii, 28, 147
1839 — Ed. viii . Fenetiis, Aldus, 8pc. 1519
viii, 455, 974
1840 IIomeri Ilias et Odyssea, Greece, 2 tom.
Ed. \\,prima Aldina (Eenetiis, Aldus, 1502)
vii, 371, 360
*** Melanctiion’s copy, with numerous marginal notes in the first volume, very
neatly written.
These volumes are of the highest interest, as we learn that Melancthon, during
the first year of his residence at Wittemberg, being then only twenty-two
years of age, gave public lectures to crowded auditories upon the works of
It is curious to observe that, in the first volume many of the leaves have been
deprived of the lower margins; and if we may judge from the manuscript
note occurring on the second leaf, that portion cut away contained biogra-
phical and other matter relating to Melancthon.