Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 3.1894

DOI Heft:
No. 17 (August, 1895)
DOI Artikel:
Webb, Matthew: On Gesso, and some designs in a competition for a finger-plate
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On Gesso

usual faculty for decorative designing. It is full those who visited the Colonial Exhibition at South
of the artist's delight in line. It should be ex- Kensington may remember that much architectural

ecuted in very low relief, but in cross section ^———^-^-^ ornament in the

would require to have the planes of relief varied in
certain broad curves to give greater value to the
detail and prevent the close parallel lines from
teasing the eye. But the relief nowhere need be
so high that brush gesso would not compass it.
When one speaks of curved surfaces it is rather a
flat plane with curved border that is meant, like the
section of a watch-glass, than what one ordinarily
understands by a curve. In this design of
" Boss's " some parts would look well incised, such

Indian Section had
been executed in
common clay
mixed with some
kind of glue.

" Tarpeia " has
hit on a general
shape for the com-
bined plates which
is very happy. The
leafage would have
to be executed with

designed by j. little-
johns bideford.
"josser "


considerable skill
and much sensi-
tiveness with regard
to play of surface
to keep the work
from looking heavy
and empty. The
designed by w. h. ansell, medallions should
derby, "seaweed" be executed in ex-

tremely low relief in
successive coats of thin gesso floated over half-
dry gesso, in the p&te-sur-pate manner so well
described by Mr. Walter Crane in the article
already referred to.

Among these designs illustrated there are but
few which, taking into consideration at all the
structural necessities of handle and lock, can be
said to have incorporated the keyhole to the

It would take too much space here to describe
in words the really excellent colouring which the
as the vertical lines over designers of these finger-plates have for the most
the water where the reeds part adopted.

occur. In carrying this out With regard to methods of colouring, one may
it might be an advantage consider generally the more simple ones such as
to experiment first with are likely to be within the compass of a painter's
ordinary modelling clay, ordinary materials. Experiments and discoveries
thinned sufficiently to be are continually being made of fresh materials, both
laid on with the brush, for modelling and colouring. These may be
called " slip " in the extremely interesting, and perhaps valuable, to the
sculptor's studio. Some of enthusiastic specialist. Yet it is probable that,