Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 9.1897

DOI Heft:
Nr. 45 (December 1896)
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Reviews of recent publications
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Reviews of Recent Publications

altogether retained. Be this as it may, the fact, April number of The Studio, that a further selec-
however, remains that The Child World is one of tion of his pen and ink work should be offered to
the most delightfully illustrated books of the season, the public. The artist's recent visit to Europe has
The vignettes with which it is so plentifully be- opened out fresh fields for his labour, and the
sprinkled are of the daintiest. They are original present collection includes not only pictures of
in conception, and are executed with a rare sense American " Society," but also subjects selected
of the decorative value of line and mass. We from the salons, the streets, and the restaurants of
predict a great future for Mr. Robinson if he does London and Paris, which should prove of especial
not permit the success which has attended these, interest to his English admirers. It is difficult to
his early efforts, to prevent his sustained and signal out for mention any particular drawings, for
earnest pursuit of truth and beauty. whether his subjects be old men or young maidens,

Pictures of People. By Charles Dana Gibson, he invests them with an especial and characteristic
(New York: R. H. Russell & Son. London : John charm. The book is beautifully printed, and
Lane.)—It is not surprising after the success which would make an admirable Christmas present. The
attended the appearance of Mr. Dana Gibson's reproduction of one of the drawings, which we are
"Drawings," of which a review appeared in the permitted to give herewith, is reduced in size from

the original print.

The Nelson Memorial. B y John
Knox Laughton. (London:
George Allen).—Professor Laugh-
ton does not here attempt a serious
and exhaustive biography, but
dwells concisely and instructively
upon the principal incidents in the
great admiral's life and upon the
glories of his achievements, de-
scribing at the same time some
of the influences which tended to
form Nelson's character, and some
of those men who so nobly worked
with him in securing the liberty
and establishing the greatness of
England. A large amount of care
has been bestowed upon the
illustrations, which are very nume-
rous, and include no fewer than
eleven photogravure plates of the
highest class. Lives of the hero
of Trafalgar we have had by the
score, but never one more richly
clothed or more attractively
written than The Nelson Me-

The History of Henry Esmond.
By W. M. Thackeray. Illus-
trated by Chris Hammond.
Hypatia. By Charles Kings-
ley. Illustrated by Lancelot
Speed. Sartor Resartus. By
Thomas Carlyle. With portrait
after J. MacNeill Whistler. (Lon-
don : Service and Paton).—The
first two of these works form the

drawing by charles robinson from The Child World (john lane) nucleus of the " Illustrated English