Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 24.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 105 (December, 1901)
DOI Artikel:
The first international 'Studio' exhibition, [1]
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First International "Studio" Exhibition

panel, in a more opaque
treatment, should be
specially mentioned for
purity of colour, freshness
of invention, and a fine
sense of decorative line
in glass - leading. The
work of E. A. Taylor also
had real distinction and
charm ; his Yellow Rose
was one of the most
beautiful of the small
opaque panels, and re-
markable for the rich
effect gained by so slight
a figure, with so few and
simple lines and colours ;
and a larger panel,
Memory, was a striking
portion of a sideboard cloth by ann macbeth design of two lovers in a

garden, treated with a
similar restraint of line

Hall and Alexander Gascoyne were the happiest and beauty of colour. William Glasby showed
instances of a slight but sufficient decorative excellent workmanship in his pair of windows repre-
treatment, allowing enough plain glass to give senting Day and Night, the former having a sym-
a clear outlook to the inhabitants (a point of bolic decoration of sun-rays, and the latter of owls
great importance to the
house-ridden and to
children) and yet not to
form—even in a murky
atmosphere—any serious
obstruction to the light.
The last-named designer
has experimented a
good deal with the
insertion of metal as a
decoration into the actual
window. The method is
full of interesting possi-
bilities when light is a
secondary consideration,
but few craftsmen could
use it so happily as this
exhibitor has done in a (^/l^^iBiamw»x<mmm«t^^
simple little panel yielding
abundant light. This was
among a considerable
group of leaded, stained,
and painted glass by the
same hand, of which the

beautiful panel Ceres, the I____________'

decorative design for a
drawing-room window, and

the charming little Fish portion of embroidered table cover by e. m. dawson
