Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 26.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 114 (September, 1902)
DOI Artikel:
Wood, Esther: The national competition of schools of art, 1902
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The National Competition

both in line and colour,
in drawing and lithograph,
admirably conveys the
beauty, and even fascina-
tion, of this design. The
bookbinding section is a
very small one. The best
specimens of this craft
come from Camberwell,
where Francis Rye has
carried out some very taste-
ful and satisfying covers,
shown with excellent crafts-
manship in their several
stages from the coloured
drawing to the tooled and
finished leather. The en-
couragement rightly given
to these choice and per-
manent forms of decoration
ought not to imply any in-
vidious reflection on those

design for a damask serviette by alfred tefferson (banbury)

lighter handicrafts for sten-
cilled, stamped, or printed

There is dignity and much refinement in her treat- reproductions which other nations have thought
ment of the figure, and a well-restrained power of worthy of the most exquisite care. But the South
invention in draughtsman'
ship. Excellent drawings are
also sent by Frank H. Round
(Birmingham) and Thomas
N. Ault (West Bromwich);
and the designs of Gertrude
Brodie (Lambeth) are no-
tably interesting, sombre, and
strong. Several students send
good examples of lettering—
an important and much neg-
lected branch of work, espe-
cially in relation to printing
and reproductive processes.
Its possibilities have been
well recognised, for instance,
by Dorothea Ivens (Birming-
ham) in her planning of
colour - printed Christmas
cards. But the most striking
piece of colour-printing is
the original and highly imagi
native treatment, by Con-
stance Read (Liverpool), of a
familiar motive, The Twa Cor-
bies, which she has invested
with singular power and aus-
tere charm. The execution design for a chalice veil by may l. buxton (walsall)