Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 27.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 118 (January 1903)
DOI Artikel:
Designs for summer-houses: some remarks upon the restults of competition A XXXII
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Designs for Summer-Houses

cast walls with circular windows. The
three-step terrace gives his simple and well-
proposed building a further interest and
importance. The plan of " Curlew "—a pen-
tagon—is a pleasant and original feature, and
we imagine that the design (though we cannot
quite reconcile ourselves to the carrying up
of the corner posts for no particular purpose)
would come out better in execution than it
appears in the sketch submitted. " Mamar-
bashi" sends a pleasantly simple design of a
light structure, octagonal in form, and wholly
built of wood. Its overhanging roof would be
a picturesque feature if only he could assure
his client that he could build it in such
a way and of such a material as not to warp
out of all shape under the action of a long
hot summer. Pecksniff's design explains
itself better and to more advantage in the
little plan and section than in the not very
effective perspective sketch. We are afraid
it would be rather difficult to seat one-
self with any comfort between the small

the north-east wall. Those \^TS^^f \ fe^U ^^Q^^.

ferine themselves in W&mju^l


sheltering themselves in
"Brush's" house have, at all
events, the open archway

through which to look, though / \\_\,\ - -g

we are afraid the cill line of
the windows .is so high as to
prevent their profiting much
by the rest of their surround-
ings. "Jim the Penman" sends
an interesting design which
would have explained itself
much more clearly with the
help of a sketch plan. The
gardener digging in the fore-
ground gives a fallacious idea
of the height and size generally
of the structure. "Kenelm"
submits a small and effective
design in red brick and tiles.
These materials are also em-
ployed by "Chapenga," whose
circular plan allows spaces
between the porch and other
projections for external seats
—an excellent feature. "Cigar-
ette " sends a pretty drawing^
showing, we imagine, rough- design for a summer-house by "Pecksniff
