Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 33.1905

DOI Artikel:
Oliver, Maude I. G.: German arts and crafts at the St. Louis exposition
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German Arts and Crafts at St. Louis


into a green-tiled chimney, which at the base, leading element in the decoration. This is exe-

is solidly built into the partition separating cuted in tiles, with glass mosaics. One of the

the rooms; above, however, the wall is cut away dainty surprises that greet one while strolling

from this construction, so as to permit of interest- through the galleries of the open court is another

ing openings from one room to the other. In design of this character by Prof. Fridolin Dietsche,

both rooms the use of paintings, panelled as fix- representing a superb wall-fountain in white

tures in the walls, is charmingly displayed. An marble.

excellent bronze-relief entitled Cecilia is noticeable It is not definitely stated as to how many in-

in the " Reception Room." The predominating dividuals the Lady Artists Society represents. Yet

colours in the " Reception Room " are a neutral it is evident that, if they had limited their number

green for furnishings, with lead and olive brown to one in the St. Louis exhibit, the results would

walls; and, in the " Hall," mahogany with white have been more satisfactory. Granted that there

walls. Prof. Max Laeuger sends an exceedingly is much good material shown, it fails as a whole

interesting contribution in his " Living Room," for lack of continuity. The autumn landscape,

Here waxed oak in natural colours is utilised for forming a frieze about an alcove at one end of the

the furniture and for the finely-considered wains- room, is especially good. The floor, at this end,

coting. Decorative paintings are provided by is raised a few inches, and at the centre of the

Prof. Ludwig Dill. Leather upholstering in pale dais, so-formed, is a seat upholstered in heliotrope

ashes-of-roses add to the tonal scheme, and green velvet. The windows are ornamented by a grill

silk curtains modify the light at the windows. effect. The lower half of the walls is a greenish

Against the wall facing the windows stands a basin tan, while above the colour is a blue-black. The

for running water by Prof. Laeuger, which is a " Directors' Room " by Prof. W. Kreis, is a very
