V)lendam as a Sketching Ground
and simple children appeal strongly to her tempera-
ment. She is a strenuous worker, keen to attain
what she has in view, and her work expresses her
ovvn sincere and original personality. Perhaps this
freshness of idea is due to her Canadian parentage,
and, happily for her, pastel seems to be par excel-
lence the medium in which fresh and spontaneous
treatment is invaluable. Her work is delightful in
colour and feeling, and has the essential quality of
restfulness. The little folk at Volendam, though
phlegmatic in their own way, are not wanting in affec-
tion, and prove most intelligent models to the painter
who sympathises with them.
Both Mr. and Mrs. East-
lake have exhibited at the
Salon, at Burlington House,
the Royal Institute, the
R.B.A., the New English
Art Club, etc. Their work
is absolutely dissimilar.
Mr. Eastlake is well known
for landscape, and though
there is but limited scope at
Volendam for the landscape
painter, the work resulting
from his stay there is
delightful in tone and
colour. Of late Mr. East-
lake has turned his atten-
tion to the revival of
enamel and metal work, in
which handicraft both he
and his wife have achieved
much success.
and simple children appeal strongly to her tempera-
ment. She is a strenuous worker, keen to attain
what she has in view, and her work expresses her
ovvn sincere and original personality. Perhaps this
freshness of idea is due to her Canadian parentage,
and, happily for her, pastel seems to be par excel-
lence the medium in which fresh and spontaneous
treatment is invaluable. Her work is delightful in
colour and feeling, and has the essential quality of
restfulness. The little folk at Volendam, though
phlegmatic in their own way, are not wanting in affec-
tion, and prove most intelligent models to the painter
who sympathises with them.
Both Mr. and Mrs. East-
lake have exhibited at the
Salon, at Burlington House,
the Royal Institute, the
R.B.A., the New English
Art Club, etc. Their work
is absolutely dissimilar.
Mr. Eastlake is well known
for landscape, and though
there is but limited scope at
Volendam for the landscape
painter, the work resulting
from his stay there is
delightful in tone and
colour. Of late Mr. East-
lake has turned his atten-
tion to the revival of
enamel and metal work, in
which handicraft both he
and his wife have achieved
much success.