Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 39.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 165 (December, 1906)
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exhibition, these and many other treasures
could not be replaced.

Alfredo Melani.


AN FRANCISCO—Peculiar interest
•attaches to the landscape paintings
by Mr. William Keith which we here
reproduce. In the disastrous fire
which followed the great earthquake in April
figures ornamenting a gold ring by v. miranda last Mr. Keith's studio in this city was com-
pletely destroyed, and with it many fine can.
Nor must I forget the window glass of MM. vases, but the day after found him quietly painting
G. Beltrami & Co., particularly the circular pieces, in his home studio as though nothing had hap-
broadly decorative in pened. The three pic-

^^^^^^^^^ tu^

Tesurum, of Venice, one painter. We hope before

^ , , stained glass designed by g. buffa , , , , .

of Italy's most represen- (G. beltrami & co.) long to speak ot his

tative artists in this de- work at greater length.

partment—-an artist-manufacturer not

adverse to the modern spirit, while still mmm U I >•■ '^fia&L'-'&l
lingering among the models of ancient
times. ■;

In the Italian Pavilion of Decorative K
Art was also seen a delightful display by 9
Mr. Lerche, a Norwegian, but cosmopoli-
tan, for, though now living in Rome, he
has worked un peu partout—in his native
town, in France, in Germany, and else-
where—ceramic artist, gold-worker, and (I
sculptor. His exhibit was one of the 1
most original seen in Milan, and in draw-
ing attention to him I deeply regret that m
all this imagination, all this beauty, should S
have been irretrievably lost; for though }9
this Pavilion and that of the Hungarians

were rebuilt before the close of the wrought-iron gate by a. mazzucotelli, engelmann & co.