Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI issue:
No. 171 (June, 1907)
DOI article:
The Royal Academy exhibition, 1907
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The Royal Academy, igoj

We remember commending a picture by Mr. Mr. Byam Shaw's Such is Life is one of his
C mpbell Taylor in the last academy, the subject most interesting canvases. The scene depicted,
f which was not dissimilar to that taken up here with its theatrical light, suits better than a scene
° The Rehearsal, one of this year's Chantrey in the light of nature the particular colours with
111 h s Mr Taylor has come from a very which Mr. Shaw sets his palette. In a picture
purC ' " iarse one. On the larger named the Morning Room Mr. Walter Russell has

small canvas to a vciy ""b .„,.,. • . j c t j - • ± >• u

1- his touch loses somewhat in feeling, but in pamted two figures seated in a room into which
SCae 1S tnjs work commends itself as one the full daylight comes. The room is furnished

all ot er rCS^e^uccessful p;eces of genre painting with a tendency to things early Victorian, and a
of the most succe t-Wp ;s life and sun- famous wit may be recognised in one of the

in this year's exhibition, mere » u J . & • .

. m. a t Swynnerton's portrait group, figures. The luminous painting of the window
shine m Miss A. . j ,,.a!jters 0f £>. C. frames, the couch partly bathed in bright light
Marmret and Christian, daugnters oj ^ , v i & 5_

h the colour does not advance —in fact, all the painting—is masterly, except in
Guthrie, M,s^ 7^^. portrait is that of Mrs. the lady's figure, where the essential note of grace
its merits. n in mmv pleasant in the fall of the skirt is missing. Whilst he does

^F£TX> tntrivel'hough not vary his style in any degree, Mr. E. A. Hornel
the face seems too deliberate in the character ever seems to acquire more accomplishment, and

f „f ,hP nicture. Mr. his picture The Music of the Woods must certainly
of the painting for the rest ot tne piciiuc r j

Lee HankeVs Many the Wonders I have seen rank with his best canvases. Mr. Harold Speed's
might we think> have been hung lower down. Portrait of a Lady and his Love leaving Psyche

6 ' are good examples of his

scholarly painting. In
following lines of older
Academic tradition worth-
ily, Mr. Herbert Draper
succeeds far better than
anyone else in the exhibi-

Of the many pictures
which press themselves
upon our memory, claim-
ing to be mentioned, space
provides us with room for
the following only :—
Segovia, Spain, by M.
Hughes - Stanton ; The
Avenue, by W. G. von
Glehn, and works by the
following : — T. F. M.
Sheard, Louis Grier, B.
Haughton, A. E. Bottom-
ley, S. P. Kendrick, F. G.
Swaish, Anna Airy, V. M.
Hamilton, M. Cameron,
and Dorothea Sharpe.

The sculpture is marked
generally by a high level
of performance. Members
and associates are well re-
presented, Mr. Frampton
in particular, by his large
statue of the late Marquis
of Salisbury, and Mr.

'a little girl with dolls " by Harrington mann Drury by his pair of bronze
